Julius stepped out of the tour bus onto solid earth. What state were they in? He hadn’t gotten much sleep on the road.

Parked beside them was a black SUV with tinted windows. He knew Clay was sitting behind the wheel just waiting to speak to him.

He approached the vehicle and tapped a finger on the glass. The window rolled down, and Clay came into sight. Lark was in the passenger seat, flipping through screens on her tablet.

He gave her a chin nod of greeting. “Anything on that actor you hacked yesterday?”

“All clear. Not a thing.”

“That’s not surprising.”

It wasn’t exactly disappointing news either. The sooner they found Avalynn’s stalker, the faster this would all be over. And Julius would be leaving her.

“You ready for this?” Clay brought his attention back to him.

“Of course.” He didn’t need to ask what he referred to—he’d spent the early morning hours of travel texting back and forth with Lark, hammering out all the details of their wedding.

They were on their way to California, that much he did know—because he’d made the decision.

“My head is in the game,” he told his boss.

Clay cocked a brow. “It’s not your head I’m worried about.”

He held in the grunt he’d love to give in reply. “Family will be there. What’s going on with security?”

Lark spoke up. “I’ve arranged for tents to protect everyone from the paparazzi and I’ve got extra security lined up.”

He gave her a look. “The WEST team?”

“No. Sorry. They’re all engaged in contracts at the present time. But I’ve got very good people already en route to the venue.” She offered him a grin that seemed to brim with excitement. “Great choice, by the way!”

He scuffed his boot on the ground. “Thanks.”

Lark glanced toward the bus. “She’s—”

“Still sleeping.”

“Oh yeah. She’ll wake up at approximately nine a.m. and you’ll be there to greet her with her special tea.” Clay’s tone walked the line between annoyance and amusement.

Lark smacked her man in the arm. “Give the guy a break.” She waved a hand. “Come around to this side and I’ll show you what Rain sent for you to choose for the wedding.”

His brows shot up. “Rain?”

“Yeah, when Dove told her sister that you asked for her help with planning a wedding, Rain jumped at the chance to help.”

“I’ll get in the back seat.” He opened the door and slid across the soft leather to peer between the seats at the screen that Lark held up.

He shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m planning a wedding in an SUV.”

“The bureau thinks news of the wedding will send Avalynn’s stalker off the rails. We’re going to get him,” Clay told him.

“And selecting a wedding for her off a screen is nuts.”

“I know! Isn’t it great?” Lark beamed.

“You are such a different generation, Lark,” Clay mumbled.

“Just because you’reyears and yearsolder than me doesn’t mean you can’t get in touch with your inner techie, Clay, honey.” She spoke with the sweetest tone that had him griping in response and Julius chuckling.