She padded across the room and hitched one hip onto the bed. She wiggled her bottom until she was perched on the edge with one leg tucked beneath her.

He had to scrub a hand over his face to wipe his mind clean of the images revolving through it. Like how he could take her phone from her and toss it aside before pressing her onto the mattress, hooking her legs over his shoulders and burying his tongue in her sweet, hot, tight, wet pussy.

She set the phone on the bed and put it on speaker so he could hear the conversation.

He drifted over, coffee in hand.

“You need to avoid the paparazzi, Mom.”

“They’re standing right here on my front porch, Avalynn. I’m not sure how they found me, but you know I’m more than willing to talk about my little girl’s rise to fame!”

He couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.

“Really, Mom. Stop talking to them and go back inside.” Avalynn didn’t sound huffy in the least. In fact, her lips tilted with amusement, and her eyes danced.

“I can’t be rude now, can I, Avalynn? But you’re saying I need to tell the nice young man with—who did you say you work for?” she asked someone.


“Argh, Mom! Stop! Donotget out those pictures of me with that terrible hair!” Avalynn dropped her face into her palm.

“Oh, honey, you were adorable.”

She groaned.

“Here!” Her mother spoke to someone on her end. “Come take a look at this photo album.”

Avalynn moaned in horror.

“Look at her. Isn’t she the cutest? She was so talented, even then. This is the church where she got her start.” Pride echoed in her voice.

“Mom, please tell me that’s not the pink scrapbook!”

“Of course it is, sweetheart! Remember your first performance at church? You were always so great in front of an audience! I’d be scared to death.”

Julius couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, and while he wasn’t shy, he wouldn’t have the guts to stand up in front of a crowd and sing songs he’d written himself. Things about love and emotions.

Avalynn stared at him.

He pitched his voice into a low whisper. “I’m stealing all your firsts. The first time you got to tell your mom about a big life event, and it’s all made public.”

She shook her head and leaned in to whisper back. “I don’t feel like you’re stealing my firsts.”

There was a change in the way she looked at him. It was easy to spot the difference in her now. His job entailed picking up on her every move and mood. Their dynamic had changed. The intensity between them changed.

“Mom, please take the scrapbook back into the house and don’t talk to any more reporters! They’re not there to talk about my rise to fame.”

“Well, then why are they here, honey?”

Avalynn froze for a long heartbeat. Finally, she rasped, “They want to get a story about my engagement!”

“Yourengagement? Avalynn Adele Ray! You got engaged? To whom? Please tell me it isn’t that guy from the tape! The one with the small—”

“Mom! Please go inside. Do it now!”

“All right, all right. I’m inside.”

“Now slam the door so I hear you do it.”