“Sorry, Graciella, but you only seem to want to use me when it will appeal to you. Bain’s a friend. I want to save him, and you’re putting the whole operation at risk. None of us can let that happen.”

“I didn’t mean to.” That was the truth.

“But you did,” Boss said. “Let’s go.” He was already heading out of the factory, Xavier and Killian hot on his tail. She was annoyed with herself for screwing up. She should have known deep down Viko couldn’t handle this. He was too emotionally involved.

Her emotions were in check. Even Boss, his emotions were also part of all of this.

She tried to think. The science guy had been her biggest mistake.

She had to fix this somehow, but she couldn’t think of how best to do it, and it pissed her off.

“Do we know who he’s working for yet?” Graciella called out.

Boss didn’t say anything.

“Oh, for goodness sake, just talk to me. I’ve got no cell phone, and I need to think. We know where the scientist is, and how he’s getting the drugs across the border, but this guy wouldn’t have this much cash or the resources for a scale this big. Whoever this is, he’s got backing. Who the fuck is it?” she asked.

Boss turned to look at her.

“You don’t know, do you?” she asked.

“So far, we know the scientist has had a great deal of funds transferred into his account. Maurice is working through the codes and firewalls to trace it. Each account and avenue has led to a dead end. We know he’s being funded and with a scale like that, there have to be guards as well.” Boss tapped his leg then pulled out his cell phone. “Maurice, hack into the security footage. Not at the factory, their cameras are minimal and fake. No, I want you to check across the street.”

He hung up his cell phone.

“Why across the street?” she asked.

“There’s a café across the street, the only one within the area. I figure everyone gets hungry, including our scientist, and if he’s working with someone, he needs to be protected. If Maurice can get the information we need, we can find who he’s working for. We can remove this chain of evil once and for all.”

Chapter Nine

“You’re not actually leaving her here alone, are you?” asked El Diablo. They were all getting into the SUV outside the warehouse. “This place is a shithole.”

“Get in the fucking car,” said Boss.

They drove down the rough roadway, the vehicle jostling and jolting. It would be a long three hours. They weren’t in his city anymore. Far from home. These towns were overcrowded, poverty-stricken, and crime ran rampant. El Diablo worried about his sister being left alone in a foreign town with no phone or money. Boss knew better.

He never underestimated Widow Maker. And when they crossed paths again, she’d be fucking pissed—he couldn’t wait.

Viko’s car drove close behind theirs. It was bad enough he’d fucked up their surprise arrival, so Boss wouldn’t let him screw up their second chance to get the antidote from the scientist.

“Any update from Maurice?” asked Boss.

Killian got on his cell in the back seat.

Their driver, Rocco, worked for Killer of Kings, and he was following the initial lead. “The locals can smell a foreigner from a mile away,” he said. “Don’t be surprised if they try to jack us.”

Boss scoffed. “Just keep driving.”

About twenty minutes later, he got a call from Maurice.

“You were right about the cameras across the street. I captured the scientist with the same man three times in the past week. It loops after that. I’ve run his profile and got a hit.”

“Anyone we know?” asked Boss.

“Inside politics, I’m afraid. Your friend Viko should watch his back.”

“What now?”

“Manuel Adrino Viola. He’s worked within the Circle of Monsters for a few years. Errand boy. Looks like he may be trying to make a play for Viko’s place in the circle.”

“By distributing these tainted drugs?”

“That’s as much as I have right now, Boss.”

“Send me everything you have to my secure email. Find out who he’s been talking to. Check his bank accounts.”

That was one of the problems when you hired any lowlife criminal to do your dirty work. There was no loyalty. The Circle of Monsters was a band of rogue killers looking to get paid. They couldn’t be compared to the Killer of Kings on their best day.

They arrived in the rural town over three hours later. Boss needed to take a piss. They all got out of the vehicles, doors slamming, the sound of crickets droning in the fields of tall grass. There wasn’t much in the little rundown town, just a few dilapidated structures. It was completely off the grid, no signs of life. No people or cars. He didn’t like it.

“You sure this is it?” Boss asked Rocco.