Page 53 of Just Married

A smile gladdened Zane’s heart at the thought of his wife. She’d be home soon, and he’d be leaving. He was going to miss her. In two days time he’d be leaving for a week. Zane dreaded going, hated the thought of seven torturous days and nights without her. But it was necessary if he was going to find Schuyler. The news he’d received gave him cause for concern. There was a possibility the terrorist had discovered Zane was alive.

“Married life seems to agree with you,” Carl said. He walked over to the mini-refrigerator and helped himself to a cold beer. Zane opted for a soda.

Zane shrugged, not sure how to answer his friend. His marriage wasn’t a comfortable subject for Zane. “How are things going between you and—” He wasn’t allowed to finish the question.

“They’re not,” Carl snapped. “She refused to sleep with me unless there was a ring around her finger.” He took a quick, deep swallow of beer. “The woman’s unreasonable, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m better off without her.”

Zane had difficulty hiding a smile. “So she wants nothing less than marriage?”

“Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous in your life?”

Zane laughed outright. “I can’t say that I have.”

The sarcasm flew over Carl’s head. His friend seemed to forget that Zane was a newlywed himself.

“She’s been dating the new vet in town,” his friend continued, and his jaw tensed. “Apparently she’s hoping it’ll make me jealous. It isn’t going to work, but she doesn’t know that. I refuse to allow a woman to manipulate me. I told her up front that I’m not the marrying kind, and she best accept it right now ’cause I’m not changing my mind.”

Carl’s face was flushed with anger by the time he finished.

Zane held up both hands. “Peace. Peace.”

“Sorry. I guess my feelings are more heated than I realized.” Then all at once Carl seemed to understand what he’d implied. “I’m real glad for you and Lesley, though,” he added quickly. “Frankly, I never thought I’d see the day that any woman could maneuver you to the altar. I guess it took someone like Lesley.” He hesitated. “Don’t get me wrong. I couldn’t be more pleased for you. Lesley’s a hell of a woman.”

Zane didn’t want to talk about his marriage. “Thanks,” he said shortly.

“I’ve got to tell you I was getting downright worried about you going after Schuyler,” Carl went on to say, more relaxed now. “It’s a suicide mission and we both know it.”

Zane turned his back on his friend, unwilling to discuss his plans with Carl. He should have realized it wouldn’t be easy to fool his friend.

“You have abandoned the idea, haven’t you?”

It took Zane a long time to answer.

“Haven’t you?” Carl stressed.

Zane could see no way to avoid the truth. “No.”

The silence between them felt loud enough to break through the sound barrier.

“What do you mean—no?”

“I made a vow.” Carl of all people should appreciate the seriousness of his words. Dan and Dave had been brutally murdered by a madman. Zane had stood over their grave sites and vowed revenge.

Carl’s gaze narrowed slightly. “If you intend to find Schuyler…”

“I do.” Zane wanted no room for misunderstanding.

“Then, do you mind telling me what possessed you to marry Lesley?”

The question was hurled at him, a mixture of disbelief and anger. Carl’s gaze bore holes straight thought him.

“What’s between Lesley and me is my business.”

“Does she know what you’re planning?”

‘That’s none of your affair.”

Carl tossed the half-empty beer into the waste can. “I can’t believe this.” He plowed his fingers through his hair, “This is crazy.” He straddled the bench, and glared at Zane. “There comes a time in life when a man faces a bridge.”