Page 51 of Just Married

He chuckled. “Yes, now.”

Lesley offered no resistance when he carried her to the rug that had initiated their lovemaking. She’d lost count of the number of times they’d made love in the past few days. In no way did his injuries impede his lovemaking.

She knew he was eager for them to start their family—she was too. It was a subject they’d discussed frequently—but Zane seemed to be on a mission to accomplish the deed in record time.

Wrapping her arms around her husband, Lesley hugged him to her breast, her heart pounding wildly as they joined they became one.

When they’d finished, Zane buried his face in her neck as he struggled to bring his breathing under control. Closing her eyes, she savored the moments they’d shared.

In the silence that followed, he held her close. It didn’t trouble her that he’d never spoken of love. The words weren’t important; he’d proved it in other ways. She was aware that once their physical hunger had been sated, they would need to learn to communicate on other levels, but for now this was enough.

During the three-hour drive back to Sleepy Valley, Lesley propped her head against Zane’s shoulder. Neither spoke much. Zane seemed as aware as she about what changes their life would take upon their return.

Mrs. Applegate was on the porch to greet them when Zane pulled into the driveway. The housekeeper threw open her arms as though they’d been away for years instead of a few days.

“Welcome home,” she called out, then rushed down the stairs and hugged Lesley.

“Thank you. It’s good to be home.”

Zane tucked his arm around Lesley’s waist. “How’s everything been here?”

“Good. No trouble.”

“Great.” Together they walked into the house. Zane moved to the library and started sorting through the mail.

“I’ve got a special dinner all planned for you two this evening.” Mrs. Applegate clenched her hands together as she described in details each course, starting with wild rice mushroom soup.

“It isn’t necessary to go to all that trouble, Mrs. Applegate,” Lesley admonished. She should have known better.

The woman looked offended. “Of course it is. By the way, your things arrived and I took the liberty of unpacking them in the master bedroom.”

“Thank you.” Lesley’s eyes followed Zane. He was poring over a letter and frowning heavily.

“Bad news?” she asked, joining her husband.

He didn’t answer.


He looked at her as though she hadn’t spoken. “Is there a problem?” she queried a second time.

He attempted to reassure her with a weak smile. It didn’t work. Whatever was in that letter had deeply distressed him. It troubled her that he wasn’t comfortable enough with her yet to share whatever it was.

Mrs. Applegate outdid herself with dinner, and Lesley raved over the prime rib, but it didn’t escape the cook’s notice that neither Lesley nor Zane appeared to have much of an appetite.

Following dinner, Zane returned to the library. Lesley followed and closed the doors.

“You might as well tell me, you know.”

His eyes rounded with surprise. “Tell you what?”

“Something is obviously wrong. I noticed it when we first arrived home. As soon as you read that letter.” She motioned toward his desk.

His response wasn’t really an answer. “I have to go away for a few days.”

He didn’t offer any reasons, didn’t volunteer any details.

“When?” she asked.