“David, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
“She’d been sick with cancer for several years. In the end death was a blessing. We both had plenty of time to adjust to the inevitable.”
“Can you ever prepare yourself for the death of a loved one?” Molly asked. As a nurse, she’d seen death countless times. She’d watched some patients struggle and hold on to life. Yet others slipped gracefully from one life into the next.
“I thought I was prepared,” David said quietly, “but I wasn’t. Certainly I didn’t want Karen to suffer any longer. What surprised me was the desperate loneliness I experienced afterward. That lack of connection with one other human being.” He stopped eating and reached for his glass of iced tea.
David had walked through the same valley she had, where death cast its desolate shadow. That was what had attracted her to him and why she’d felt an instant kinship.
“It’s taken me months to come to terms with Karen’s death. I’m not expecting to get involved in another relationship, if that concerns you. All I want is a little companionship, and it seems to me we’re really after the same thing. Maybe we could help each other.”
Molly’s eyes met his. “Maybe we could.”
* * *
Jordan’s pickup was parked outside the house when Molly pulled in behind it. It might have been better if she’d phoned, but she’d agreed to see him following herappointment with Doug Anderson. Only it was much later than she’d told him.
It felt strange to ring the doorbell at the home that had once been hers, then stand outside and wait for Jordan to answer. She wished now that she’d phoned. She couldn’t be friends with Jordan. Cordial, yes, but their pain-filled history precluded friendship. She appreciated his concern, but it would probably be best if they kept their distance.
When he answered the door, Jordan’s eyes revealed his surprise at seeing her. The first thing Molly thought was that Lesley was with him and her unannounced arrival would embarrass them all.
“Have I come at an inconvenient time?” she asked. “Because I can leave.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jordan said. He must have recently gotten home himself because he was still dressed in his work clothes—khaki pants and a short-sleeved shirt.
“I can leave if…someone’s with you.”
“I’m alone,” he said, drawing her into the house. “What happened? When you didn’t show, I contacted Doug’s office and got his answering service.”
“He was called into the hospital for a delivery. I had to reschedule my appointment. I tried to reach you, but you’ve got a different cell number now.”
“That’s right. Here, let me give it to you.”
“No,” she said, holding up one hand. “It isn’t necessary.” Having his cell number seemed too intimate, too familiar.
Jordan looked surprised by her refusal. “You might need it.”
“I … I can always contact your office. They should be able to reach you, shouldn’t they?”
He shrugged as if it made no difference to him one way or the other. But it did, and she could tell that her refusal had offended him.
“How are you?” he asked, after a short delay.
He wasn’t comfortable asking about the baby, she realized, but his question implied his concern. “Perfectly healthy. The morning sickness isn’t nearly as severe this time.”
He didn’t respond, but opened the refrigerator and brought out a pitcher of ice water. Without asking, he poured her a glass.
“I thought I’d stop by and explain why I didn’t call you earlier,” Molly said, positioning herself so that the breakfast counter stood between them. “I …won’t stay.”
“Fine. If that’s what you want.”
Her stomach rolled and pitched, and she suddenly felt ill. “Would it be all right if I sat down for a minute?”
“Of course.” Something in her voice must have told him how sick she was feeling, because he took her by the elbow and guided her into the family room.
Sitting helped slightly, and she took in several deep breaths. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough. She shot up and raced for the bathroom and promptly lost her lunch.
When she finished, Jordan was there with a wet washcloth.