Page 28 of Meant To Be Us

“Yes, I’m sure,” Jordan snapped. “Fine, I’ll be in court Thursday afternoon. What time?”

Michael told him. Jordan stared at the receiver for long minutes afterward. Thursday afternoon would be the end of his marriage. Thursday afternoon some judge he’d never seen before would pound his gavel and his life with Molly would end.

He waited until he suspected she’d be home from work before he called her. She answered on the third ring; her voice was thin as if she were ill and trying not to show it.

“It’s Jordan,” he announced. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”

“I’m fine.”

She sure didn’t sound like it. “Have you got the flu?”

“Something like that.”

He would’ve liked to question her more, but didn’t know how to pursue it. “I got a call from Michael Rife this afternoon,” he said, moving on to the purpose of his call. “The divorce will be final on Thursday.”

“Will I need to be in court?”

“No. Not unless you want to be.”

“I don’t.”

“I was the one who filed, so I’ll go. Do you want me to call you afterward?”

She hesitated as if this was a momentous decision.“That won’t be necessary. Thursday it is, then. Thank you for letting me know.”

It seemed crass to tell her she was welcome. Crass to thank her for the good years they’d shared. Now didn’t seem the time to tell her how sorry he was about Jeffrey, either, or to apologize for failing them both.

He’d assumed getting the divorce was a formality. All that was required of him was his signature. No one had told him it would be like having his arms torn off and that it would leave him feeling as if he were sitting on a pile of rotting garbage. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, was it?

“Goodbye, Molly,” he said after a moment.

“Goodbye, Jordan.” Her voice quavered and he knew she was experiencing the same things he was. The same pain, the same sense of loss.

From Thursday onward it would be like that song Molly sometimes sang. He’d be someone she used to love.

“Jordan,” she said quickly. He heard a note of panic in her voice.

“Yes?” he said softly.


“Molly, listen, I know we’re divorcing, but if you ever need me for anything…”

“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.”

“I see.” He shouldn’t be hurt by her words, but he was.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded,” she said. “Thank you for the offer, Jordan, I appreciate it. If you ever needmefor anything, please call.”

“I will.” Although he doubted he would. “Goodbye,”he said again and replaced the receiver before she could echo the word.

For reasons Jordan didn’t want to analyze, he didn’t have the heart to hear her say it a second time.


“If you don’t tell Jordan before Thursday afternoon, I swear I will.”

“Dad!” Molly argued, so frustrated she wanted to weep. “This is none of your business.”