“No, but thanks for asking.”
“I’d like you to make an appointment for two weeks from now.”
“Okay,” she said mechanically.
For some time after Doug left the cubicle, Molly didn’t have the energy to move. Although a part of her had accepted the information that she was indeed pregnant, another equally strong part of her had found comfort in denial. That luxury had been taken away from her. She was carrying Jordan’s child; there was no longer any question.
Naturally she had no choice but to tell Jordan. The task, however, held no appeal.
She returned to her apartment, changed into shorts and a sleeveless top, poured herself a glass of juice and sank into her chaise longue on the sunlit patio. She needed to review her options, but she couldn’t seem to get past the nearly suffocating fear of losing a second child.
She’d barely had time to assimilate all the changes a baby would bring into her life when the doorbell rang, scattering her thoughts.
She opened the front door to see Jordan, dressed as if he’d just walked off the job site, still wearing his hard hat. He frowned, obviously worried or displeased.
“Hello, Jordan.” For one wild moment, she panicked, fearing he’d somehow learned about the pregnancy. It didn’t take her long to realize he wouldn’t be nearly this calm if that had been the case.
“Could I come in?” he asked.
“Of course.” She held open the screen door for him, wondering about the purpose of his visit.
“Would you like a glass of juice? Or iced tea?” she asked.
He looked tempted, then shook his head. “Listen, I thought I should clear something with you.”
“About what?”
“Kati’s wedding.”
Her cousin’s wedding was scheduled for that Saturday.
“She sent me an invitation,” Jordan went on to say. “I’m fond of Kati and, frankly, I’d like to go. But I won’t. Not if it’ll be awkward for you.”
“Jordan, for heaven’s sake, don’t be ridiculous! Of course you should. Kati’s been half in love with you for years. There’s no reason you shouldn’t go.”
He lowered his gaze. “I was thinking of asking Lesley to join me.”
Hearing the other woman’s name bothered her, but Molly refused to let Jordan know. “Are you asking my permission?”
“In a way, yes,” he said, which was a concession coming from him.
“We’re getting divorced, remember?”
“I’m trying to be as honest and up-front with you as possible,” Jordan said, his voice raised as though he was struggling to maintain his composure. “The situation might be awkward, and it seemed only fair to give you notice.”
“My family will find out about the divorce eventually. Now is as good a time as any to get it out in the open.”
“If you’d rather I didn’t invite Lesley, then—”
“Jordan, please, you’ve got to make that decision yourself. Don’t ask me to do it for you.”
“I don’t want the wedding to be uncomfortable for you.”
“Stop worrying about me.”
“It’s your family.”
“Do you think the divorce will come as a shock to my relatives?” she asked, forcing a laugh. “We’ve been separated for three years.”