Page 16 of Meant To Be Us

Paul shrugged. “Better in the last year or so since he—” He stopped abruptly and glanced guiltily at Molly. “Since, well, you know, since he hasn’t been killing himself working every hour of the day and night.”

“If this house is any indication, that’s exactly what hehasbeen doing.”

“What happened to his shoulder?” Paul asked, and Molly wondered if it was a blatant effort to change the subject.

“He was shot,” she said, “twice.”

“Shot.” Paul almost dropped the mug.

“It’s a long story,” Molly said.

“Longer than either of us has time to explain,” Jordan said gruffly, appearing in the doorway. Judging by the frustrated look in his eyes, Molly realized dressing was more than he could handle alone. He needed help, but she doubted he’d ask for it.

Paul glanced from one of them to the other, then set his coffee cup on the counter. “I can see you two have lots to talk about. Great to see you again, Molly. Don’t be a stranger now, you hear?”

She nodded and walked him to the door. He seemed anxious to leave, but she stopped him, her hand at his elbow. “What is everyone trying to hide from me?”

Paul looked decidedly uncomfortable. “That’s something you need to ask Jordan.”

Molly intended to do exactly that. Her husband’seyes met hers when she returned to the kitchen. “Tell me,” she said without emotion.

His eyes briefly left hers. “There was more than one reason I went to Africa,” he said. “For one thing, your father asked me to bring you home.”


“And,” he said, taking a deep breath, “I came to ask for a divorce.”


Molly felt as if the floor had collapsed beneath her, sending her crashing into space.


Jordan had come to Africa to ask for a divorce.

Since Jeffrey’s death, Molly had learned a great deal about emotional pain. The numbness came first, deadening her senses against the rush of unbearable heartache that was guaranteed to follow. Only later would she expect the full impact of Jordan’s words to hit her. For now she welcomed the numbness.

“I see,” she managed, closing her eyes. She’d made such an idiot of herself, suggesting they vacation together on a tropical island as if they were lovers, as if their marriage had been given a second chance. Her face burned with humiliation, but she resisted the urge to bury her face in her hands. “You might have said something sooner, before I made a fool of myself.”

“If anyone’s a fool, it’s me.” Jordan’s voice was filled with self-condemnation.

“No wonder you were in such a rush to get back tothe States.” It all made sense now, a painful kind of sense.

“I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that.” He walked to the far side of the room, his shoulders slumped.

“I’m glad you did. Otherwise, who knows how long I would’ve continued making a complete idiot of myself.” Another thought occurred to her. “My father knows, doesn’t he?” An answer wasn’t necessary. Paul did, as well. That explained the awkward way he’d answered her questions and his hasty exit.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Jordan muttered.

“I doubt that.” How could he when she didn’t know herself?

“You’re wondering about what happened between us in the supply shed.” His mouth tightened as if he dreaded bringing up the subject. “If you’re looking for an apology I can’t give you one. It shouldn’t have happened, but it did, and I’m not sorry.”

“I’ll admit it was a curious way of saying goodbye,” she said with a small laugh. She appreciated his honesty, knowing what it had cost him. “I … I don’t regret it, either.”

“I never meant to hurt you.”

She nodded and turned to leave. Walking to the front door required an incredible effort. She paused, her back to him, when the realization hit her. “You’ve met another woman, haven’t you?”