“Okay, fine.”
Jordan heard the hurt and disappointment in her voice and felt like a jerk. That, together with everythingelse, left him feeling sick to his stomach. He’d never intended to make love to Molly; of course, he’d never intended to get shot, either.
“How soon can I get out of here?” he asked next. The question sounded gruff and impatient. He felt both. The sooner he broke off with Molly, the better. Unfortunately he’d ruined any chance of making it a clean break.
“You should be released the day after tomorrow,” Molly told him. “I’ve booked a hotel room. I’ll arrange the flight back to the States if you want. We’ll have to go via London.”
Jordan nodded curtly.
Molly walked over to the window and gazed out for a moment. She turned, crossed her arms, then asked, “Why are you so angry?”
“Maybe it’s because I’ve got two bullet holes in my shoulder. Then again, it might be because I was forced to fly halfway around the world to get you when you should’ve had the common sense to leave on your own. You’re the one with the death wish, not me.”
“I didn’t ask you to come,” she flared.
“No, your father did.”
“Next time I suggest you stay home,” she said heatedly as she walked past the bed.
“Next time I will,” he called after her.
Jordan didn’t see her again until he was ready to be released from the hospital. Zane stopped by, but Jordan wasn’t in the mood for company. They shook hands, and Jordan didn’t expect to see his friend again.
Molly was frequently at the hospital. He heard her talking to the doctor outside his room once and shecame in to sit with him when he was sleeping. He wasn’t sure how he knew this, he just did.
Jordan wasn’t a good patient at the best of times. He suspected that the day he left the hospital, the staff was more than happy to be rid of him. Not that he blamed them.
Molly was waiting for him outside the room with a wheelchair.
“I’ll walk,” he insisted.
“Jordan, for heaven’s sake, be sensible.”
He threw her a look that said if he had any real sense he would’ve stayed in Chicago.
The cab ride to the hotel seemed to take hours. By the time they arrived he was exhausted, much too tired to complain that she’d only booked them one room. At least there were twin beds.
Molly ordered lunch from room service and they ate in silence. Jordan fell asleep afterward and woke up two hours later.
Molly was gone, which was just as well. He was uncomfortable around her. If he wasn’t such a coward he’d talk to her about the divorce, the way he’d originally planned. Somehow it didn’t feel right anymore, not after their night in the supply hut. He didn’t know what he was going to do now.
Sitting on the end of the bed, Jordan carefully worked one shoulder. Pain ripped through him and he gritted his teeth. The medication the doctor had given him was in the bathroom and he walked in there without thinking.
He realized his mistake the moment he stepped over the threshold. Molly was in the shower, standing underthe spray of warm water. The glass door was fogged with steam, but it did little to hide her lush figure.
Jordan’s breath caught in his throat, and he reached out and gripped the sink. He was instantly aroused.
The view of his wife hypnotized him, and for the life of him Jordan couldn’t force himself to look away. He could barely control his need to touch her again. He meant to turn and walk out but his feet seemed rooted to the floor.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”
“It’s no problem.” She turned off the water, opened the shower door and grabbed a towel.
Jordan stood transfixed, unable to manage more than the simple breath as she dried herself. Jordan was a strong-willed man, not easily tempted. The past three and a half years of celibacy were testament to that. Despite his recent engagement to Lesley, he’d still considered himself married. He’d taken his vows seriously and hadn’t yet made love to his fiancée. Just to his wife…here, in Africa, with gunshots ringing in the night and the threat of death hanging over them.
Somehow he made it back into the other room, fell into a chair and flicked on the television. At least five minutes passed before he realized the broadcast was in French.