Molly gasped with pleasure. Her head fell forward, her hair spilling wildly over her face.
It had been so long, so very long, since they’d made love. She gave a sob of welcome and regret as Jordan set the cadence for their lovemaking.
Danger surrounded them, the threat of death very real, but there wasn’t room in her mind for anything more than the wonder of their love, and the need they were satisfying.
She cried out and Jordan clamped his mouth over hers, swallowing her cries of exultation and joy. Pleasure burst gloriously inside her even as the tears rained unheeded down her face.
They didn’t speak. There was no need; words would have been superfluous. Gently he kissed her, and then again, not with passion but in thanks. Molly returned his kisses with the same heartfelt gratitude.
Jordan helped her dress and held her close for several moments afterward. When he released her, she felt his reluctance. “I have to go,” he told her.
“Where?” she cried, not wanting him to leave her.
“I’ll be back soon,” he promised, kissing her. “Trust me, Molly, I don’t want to leave you, but I’ve already stayed longer than I should have.”
“I understand.” She tried to hide, without much success, the panic she felt.
Once she was alone, Molly shut her eyes and prayed God would protect her husband. She’d lost track of time and didn’t know if it was afternoon or evening. The light from beneath the door seemed dimmer, but that could be her imagination.
Jordan came back several hours later with blankets and food. Although she hadn’t eaten all day, Molly wasn’t hungry. Only because he insisted did she manage to down one of the MREs, meals ready to eat, he’d brought with him. Jordan ate ravenously, while she picked at her food.
“What’s going on around the compound?” she asked, finishing a piece of dried fruit.
“It’s secure for now.”
“What about Dr. Morton?”
“He’s safe and asking about you.” He spread the blanket on the dirt floor. “Try and get some sleep,” he advised. “Here.” He slid his arm around her shoulders and brought her close to his side, but something was different. His hold wasn’t as tight or as personal as it had been earlier.
“Jordan,” she asked, nestling close. “Are you sorry about what happened before? Neither of us planned onmaking love and, well, I thought it might be bothering you.”
“No, I’m not sorry.” His answer sounded oddly defensive. “But I should be.”
“Why? We’re married!”
He didn’t answer her right away. “It’s been three years. A lot can happen in that much time.”
“I know.”
“I’m not the same person anymore.”
“Neither am I.”
After the hellish fighting of the day, the night seemed relatively peaceful. For the first time since she and Jordan had made love, she felt safe. Protected.
He bent toward her and kissed her once, then again and again, each kiss gaining in length and intensity. He slid his mouth from her lips across her cheek to her ear, taking the lobe between his teeth and sucking gently. Molly gasped as the sensation rippled down her spine.
Jordan chuckled softly. “I wondered if that had changed.”
“Two can playthatgame.” She climbed onto his lap and leaned her head against his shoulder. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she spread a series of soft kisses along the underside of his jaw, using her tongue to tease and entice him.
He kissed her then as if he were starving for her, and she met his hunger with her own. Soon their passion became a raging fire that threatened to consume them both. They’d found satisfaction in each other only hours earlier and yet it wasn’t enough.
Their desire was urgent and frantic, and they reachedcompletion with a driving ecstasy she’d never experienced before.
Molly didn’t know how much time elapsed before her breathing returned to normal.
“I can’t believe this,” Jordan said between soft kisses.