Page 75 of Meant To Be Us

Jordan’s smile was wide. “Not on your life. I’m quite happy with my contribution to this effort.”

“This isn’t the time to joke.” No sooner had the words escaped Molly’s lips than she felt a tremendous release, followed by the husky cry of her newborn baby.

“Welcome to our world, Bethany Marie,” Doug said.

“A girl. We have a girl,” Molly whispered. She felt overwhelmed by joy. Her breathing went shallow and unrestrained tears flooded her eyes, running down her face.

“Come here, daddy, and meet your little girl,” Doug told Jordan.

Molly watched as her husband left her side. Bethany, who didn’t appear to be the least bit delighted with her new surroundings, squalled lustily while being weighed and measured. Her tiny face was a bright red as she kicked her arms and legs.

The nurse wrapped Bethany in a warm blanket and handed her to Jordan, who was sitting down. Molly watched her husband’s face as his daughter was positioned in his arms. Jordan looked down on Bethany for several seconds and then, as if he was aware of Molly’s scrutiny, looked up.

It was at that moment that Molly saw the tears rolling down Jordan’s cheeks.

Jordan crying. It must be an illusion, Molly decided.She’d never seen Jordan weep. Not even when they’d buried Jeffrey.

The tears seemed to embarrass him as the nurse lifted Bethany from his arms and carried her over to Molly. Apparently worn out by the ordeal, Bethany nestled comfortably into Molly’s embrace.

“She’s perfect,” Molly whispered when Jordan came over to stand by her bedside.

“So’s her mother.” Jordan bent to kiss her on the forehead.

Molly didn’t feel perfect. She felt exhausted. Time had lost meaning and she had no idea whether it was afternoon or evening. For all she knew, Monday could have turned into Tuesday. It was Monday when her water broke, wasn’t it?

“You were so confident we’d have a girl,” Molly said to Jordan.

He raised the back of her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “I have a confession to make.” He paused. “I’ve known for weeks we were having a daughter.”

“How?” she demanded.

Jordan grinned. “Doug told me. You said you didn’t want to know, but I felt no such restraint.” He paused. “Do you mind?”

“No.” She yawned, barely able to stay awake.

“I love you, Molly. I love you more at this moment than I believed it was possible to love anyone.”

“I love you, too.”

He stroked her hair. “Go ahead and sleep—you’re exhausted. We’ll have plenty of time to talk later.”

Molly nodded. Then she sighed, completely and utterly content.

* * *

Molly might be exhausted, but Jordan had never been more wide-eyed and excited in his life. Ian was pacing the waiting-room floor when Jordan dashed through the swinging doors, still in his surgical greens.

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense!” Ian said impatiently. “I haven’t been this nervous since Molly’s mother went into labor.”

“Mother and child are doing fine.” It was payback time. For once, Jordan had the information Ian wanted—but it wasn’t in him to keep the older man guessing for long. Not when it was all Jordan could do not to shout out the wonderful news.

“Boy or girl?” Ian barked.

“You have a beautiful granddaughter.”

“A little girl.” Ian slumped down into a chair as if his legs had suddenly turned to rubber. “By heaven, a girl.

“Molly’s fine?” he asked, looking up at Jordan.