“It wasn’t your work that kept you away for the past three days, was it, Jordan?” she asked softly.
At least he was honest about it.
“I’ve been doing some thinking,” he admitted.
“And?” she prompted when he didn’t immediately continue, eager to hear if he’d found any solutions.
“Would you mind if we sat down?” he asked, nodding at her sofa.
“Of course not.” She followed him into the other room, and they sat together. Curling her feet beneath her, she leaned against him and smiled when he raised his arm and placed it lovingly around her shoulders. Molly sighed at the comfort she felt in his embrace.
He kissed her hair. “I’ve missed you,” he murmured.
“Why did you stay away?” The last time they’d met, he’d asked her to move back into the house; now she had to call and almost plead to see him.
“I can’t think when we’re together,” he said, then added, “I needed time to give some thought to us—and the baby.”
“I assumed as much. Did you come up with any solutions?”
“I haven’t, either.” She slid her arms around his neck, bringing her lips to the hollow of his throat, kissing him there.
“Molly.” Her name was more like a whispered plea.
“This isn’t going to solve anything,” Jordan whispered huskily.
“I’m tired of looking for solutions. I want to make love.” She seldom played the role of aggressor, but when she had in the past, Jordan had enjoyed it as much as she did.
Kissing him in the ways she knew he loved, she crawled onto his lap. She freed his tie, then pulled it loose and tossed it aside. Next she unfastened his shirt buttons. The entire procedure had been accomplished with her mouth on his.
Jordan stretched out an arm for the lamp and fumbled until he found the switch. Shadows filled the room and the only sound that could be heard was the mingling of their sighs and moans.
It was while she was on her husband’s lap, kissing him and removing his clothes, that their baby decided to make his presence known. The first fluttering movement they both ignored, but that quickly became impossible as he kicked against Jordan’s chest.
Smiling, Molly eased her mouth from Jordan’s. “Isn’t he strong?” she said proudly. “Or she, of course.”
Jordan closed his eyes and rested his head against the sofa.
Molly reached for his hand and pressed it against her stomach. He didn’t offer any resistance, which encouraged her. Gradually he opened his eyes and straightened.
“You’re going to love him, Jordan,” she said, wanting to reassure him. “You won’t be able to stop yourself.”
Again he didn’t respond.
“I love you,” she whispered, speaking to both father and child.
Jordan slid her carefully off his lap, stood and paced the room. His steps grew quick, his distress more obvious with every stride. “This isn’t going to work.”
“What isn’t?” she asked, her gaze following him as he moved from one end of the room to the other. Turn, pace, turn, until it was all she could do not to yell at him to stop.
He paused and looked at her in the dim light. “I can’t make love to you.”
Molly settled back in her seat and wrapped her dignity around her. “Why not?”