Page 14 of Spread Offense

Russell scoffed. “Baseball teams play one hundred and twenty-nine games a season, if you include the World Series.”

“True,” I conceded. “But baseball isn’t a contact sport.”

“Hockey is,” Ridley interjected. “And those guys can end up playing one hundred and ten games if they go all the way.”

“I’ll give you that.” They both looked a little smug until I added, “But if you look at just about any list of dangerous team sports, hockey is always after American football and rugby.”

“Hockey players break more bones,” Ridley insisted.


“Okay, boys,” Brandy piped up. “Put away your dicks, and let's have a civilized meal.”

Ridley grinned at her and murmured, “You love my dick.”

“Ewwwwwwww!” Rory shouted, covering her ears.

I couldn’t help laughing with everyone else. Her family dynamic was so normal, and it made me feel right at home.

“Come on, nerd,” I teased, tucking her under my arm.

“What did you—”

Phyllis clapped Russell upside the head and muttered, “It’s obviously a term of endearment, babe. I would think you’d prefer that to something like sexy or love bunny”—Russell glared at her, and she held her hands up in a gesture of surrender—“just saying…”

Rory sighed. “Are you sure about that whole sticking around thing, geek?”

I winked at her and smiled when she blushed. “I’m holding on to you with everything I’ve got.”

Dinner was relaxed, full of banter, laughter, and amazing food. I appreciated that Rory’s dad or mom stepped in when their sons seemed like they might start in on me again. Not that I couldn’t handle it, but it obviously bothered Rory, and I wasn’t willing to put up with that.

After the meal, I stood and picked up a few dishes, then took them to the kitchen. On my way back to the dining room, I was yanked into the hallway, where I found myself alone with Russell and Ridley. They stared at me with their feet braced apart and their arms crossed over their chests. I was willing to bet they had scared away plenty of Rory’s potential dates. Something I very much appreciated.

“If you’re going to try to threaten me away or talk me out of pursuing Rory, you might as well save your breath,” I stated before they could speak. I figured it was better to lay that out ahead of time.

“Believe it or not, Ledger, despite being a thickheaded football player,” Russell started. “I can see how much you care for my sister.”

“Nothing is more important to me than Rory.”

They searched my features in silence for a minute. Then Russell asked, “More important than your career?”

“Absolutely.” I didn’t even hesitate.

“You love her,” Ridley surmised.

I nodded. I’d acknowledged it to myself, but there was no way I was going to say it out loud to anyone before Rory.

Ridley dipped his chin and scowled at me. “I believe you. Just know that if you hurt her, you’ll be watching your team win from a hospital bed once we break every fucking bone in your body.”

“I’d expect nothing less.”

We stared at each other for a few more seconds, then as if coming to a silent agreement, we turned to re-enter the kitchen. Just before I stepped over the threshold, a hand grabbed my arm and stopped me. I glanced around to find Russell standing close, his eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched.

“One last thing, Ledger. If you knock up my sister before she has a ring on her finger, I don’t care how much you love her. I will beat the shit out of you.”

I slowly turned around, and due to our proximity, I was pretty much right up in his face. “I respect you, Russell. As well as Ridley and Brad. I have no problem with you protecting Rory against harm, especially if it was caused by me.”

My tone was made of steel, and my eyes bored into him when I said, “But when Rory and I choose to get married, start a family, or any other choice that couples make based on what’s best for them, that is none of your business. Do I make myself clear?”