Page 11 of Spread Offense

“I guess I can’t argue when you put it like that.”

Although my classes wouldn’t start for another week, I’d expected to be super busy downloading programming packages, reading through syllabi, and getting my textbooks. But since I only had to familiarize myself with one new program, it hadn’t taken as long as I expected to get prepped for my next semester, which left me with some free time in my schedule.

Unfortunately, it was when Gage was busy with stuff for the team. So I spent the past several days running data visualization on the offensive line. Starting with the running backs, of course. Not that my boss understood why I’d narrowed in on that particular position. Although judging how Cole looked at me when we showed him the models, I felt he suspected something was going on between Gage and me.

I appreciated that he didn’t share his thoughts with my boss. During my interview, Percy had mentioned how complicated Rhodes Channing’s relationship was with his wife since she was the owner’s niece. I figured it was safe to assume he wouldn’t approve of someone in the front office—especially who reported to him—dating a player.

Percy jerked his chin toward the door. “If you leave now, you won’t have to wait quite as long for a rideshare. Then you’ll get a little extra time with your family.”


I headed out of the press box, but I didn’t leave the stadium right away like he expected. First, I wanted to congratulate Gage on his win and see if I could at least say a quick goodbye beforeI left. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I tapped out a text to him.


Hey, my boss let me go a little early. Let me know when you’re done in the locker room so I can see you before I head over to my parents.

Players weren’t allowed to have electronic devices on the sideline during a game, so I figured I’d have to wait a bit to hear back from him. But he must’ve been one of the first guys back through the tunnel because my phone dinged with a notification from him only a few minutes later.


I’ll meet you at the players’ exit. Security will let you through. Don’t leave without me.

My brows drew together as I wondered what exactly he meant by that.


Are you sure? That’s a lot of bother for a quick visit.


You’re never a bother.

If he thought that racing from the stadium over to my parents’ house to meet them, chat for a few minutes, only to turn back around to head to the airport to catch the plane back with the team was what he wanted to do, I wasn’t going to argue with him. Not even knowing that my brothers would give me a hard time over it. And him an even worse one.

Luckily, he wouldn’t be there long enough for Russell and Ridley to cause too much trouble. Or at least that was what I told myself while I waited for Gage.

He must’ve rushed to get ready because he appeared in only about ten minutes, which was much faster than I expected. His hair was still damp, but that didn’t stop me from teasing him. “Did you skip the shower? Should we take different cars to my parents’ house so I don’t have to deal with the post-game stench? Even though you only played for about a quarter in total?”

“Are you really gonna give me a hard time when you damn well know that’s how much starters play at this point in the preseason?” he asked, shaking his head with a deep laugh.

Smiling at him, I nodded. “Yup.”

“Then be prepared to see for yourself how badly I smell.” Sliding his hand behind my back, he pulled me close. As I pressed my palms against his chest, he twined his other hand in my hair to tug my head back. Then he captured my mouth in a deep kiss that left me breathless when he finally lifted his head again. “Not too bad, eh?”

I blinked up at him. “Huh?”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” There was a gleam of male satisfaction in his eyes as he squeezed my waist before taking a step back. “You’ll be fine riding in the car, cuddled up to me.”

I lifted my nose in the air and sniffed. “I guess you don’t smell too bad.”

“My shower was quick but effective.” He brushed a kiss against my temple as he led me past the security guard. “I was in a rush to get to you.”

“I really appreciate you going out of your way to come with me to meet my family.” I smiled up at him, squeezing his hand.

“It really isn’t a big deal,” he assured me. “I did it more for my own selfish reasons than anything else.”

My brows drew together at his explanation. “How so?”