Page 47 of Rules of the Heart

“You really think so?”

“I know it.”

Valerie’s grin hurt her face as she exited the OR. Even the chaos around her couldn’t dampen her spirits, though she had to force herself to stop smiling lest she look like a psychopath in front of the families, smiling in the face of their loved one’s misfortune.

No matter how much death she saw, though, nothing could diminish the burning joy she felt. She loved Ella and she wanted to be with her. Now, she just needed to convince Ella to take her back.



Ella was woken by an obnoxious beeping. She was all too familiar with that beeping, but she only usually heard it when she was at work, not at home. She was at home, wasn’t she? She was certainly in a bed. It didn’t feel like her bed, though.

Ella’s eyes fluttered open and she took in the sterile white walls of the hospital room. It started coming back to her. The accident. Her and Valerie crawling into the rubble. The collapse and throwing herself on top of Valerie. Then… nothing.

She blinked as someone sitting by her bedside came into focus. Valerie. She was slumped in a chair next to Ella’s bed, fast asleep. Ella’s heart warmed to see her there. Despite her and Valerie’s issues, Ella was glad to have her here.

She tried to sit up, only to be greeted by a sharp pain in her chest. She must have been badly hurt in the accident. She couldn’t prevent a soft gasp of pain as she slumped back down onto the bed.

Valerie jerked upright at once. “Ella! You’re awake! How are you feeling?”

Ella tried to shrug, but it hurt, so she stopped. “Honestly, I’ve been better. I’m alive, though, right? As long as I’m alive, we can work with the rest.”

“That we can. You had a metal rod through your lung. You know as well as I do that it’ll be a long recovery, but you can make it. You’re the strongest person I know, Ella. I know you can do this. And I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

“You will?” Ella wondered how long this new attitude of Valerie’s would last, once the shock of seeing her injured wore off.

“Is the girl from the rubble ok?” Ella asked, suddenly remembering. “Jessica?”

“Yes, she will be fine.” Valerie smiled. “She’s been in OR3 with Dr. Haven from Ortho. He said she will make a full recovery and he managed to save the leg. He said we did a great job out in the field.”

Ella smiled, suddenly relieved. It was all worth it if the little girl was ok. She imagined her making a full recovery and running around again.

“We need to talk, Ella. Are you well enough for a serious conversation?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. My head feels pretty clear, at least.”

“Ella… seeing you nearly die made a lot of things clear to me. I’ve been a fucking idiot. I was pushing you away because I was scared—scared of getting hurt. When I’m scared, I retreat to what I know, and rules are what I know. I was wrong, Ella. I know you have a girlfriend, but—”

“Wait, what?”

“Your new girlfriend, Ella. The pretty brunette who keeps having lunch with you.”

“Kate? I mean, we went on one date, but that didn’t work out. We get on well, but there is no spark there. Ever since then, we’ve been good friends.”

“Really? You don’t need to say that just to spare my feelings.”

“I’m not. I really tried with the date, but I couldn’t go through with it. I only wanted you, Valerie.”

Valerie reached out and took one of Ella’s hands. “I only want you too, Ella. I’m in love with you and I want to be with you, if you’ll have me. I’m so sorry for the way I treated you. Can you ever forgive me?”

Ella didn’t even need to think about it. “Of course I forgive you, Valerie. I’m so in love with you it hurts. I’d forgive you anything. I just want to be with you. That’s all I ever wanted—for you to give us a chance.”

“That’s what I want, too. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it.”

“You can stop apologizing. You’ve already done that, and I’ve forgiven you. Consider it done.”

“I love you, Ella.”