“What do you mean?”
“Valerie, if I really thought you said no because you genuinely didn’t want to date me, there would be no issues between us. I would be disappointed, sure, but I would get overit. I’m pissed because I can tell that youdowant to give it a shot, but you’re throwing that shot away because of a stupid rule.”
And here it was. Ella’s disregard for the rules, slapping Valerie in the face once more.
“It’s not stupid,” Valerie growled. “Relationships lead to personal drama, and when people are involved in their personal dramas rather than their work, patients die. That’s what breaking the rules does, Ella—it kills people.”
Valerie expected Ella to argue. She was sure that this would turn into a screaming match that would ultimately end in Ella storming out.
Ella, however, took a moment before responding. “I get your perspective, Valerie. I know that the rules are there for a reason, and I know that a lot of those rules were put into place because patients died. I realize that you’re just trying to protect your patients. I’ve got a different view, though. Can I explain it to you?”
This wasn’t the confrontation she had been expecting and it threw Valerie off. She thought about it and decided that it couldn’t hurt to hear Ella’s point of view. Even if it was wrong, that didn’t mean she shouldn’t try to listen to understand Ella better.
“Yeah, okay.”
“I’ve seen more patients than I can count die because their insurance wouldn’t cover their treatment, all because the terms of service excluded the surgery they needed for some reason. I’ve seen too many patients die or live permanently disabled because the surgeons I worked under wouldn’t approve the experimental procedures that could have saved them.
“You say that breaking rules kills patients, and you are right in some cases, but in my experience, sticking too rigidly to rules, especially unnecessary rules, also kills them. If we want to doour best for our patients, we need to find some middle ground between rigidity and anarchy.”
Valerie could see Ella’s point. She had been on the receiving end of insurance nightmares enough times to know how heartbreaking it was to see patients turned away for financial reasons. And while she wouldn’t bend the rules to allow for unapproved procedures, she couldn’t deny that those procedures did save a lot of lives.
“I suppose I can understand that. I’m not saying I can condone you breaking the rules, but I guess I can see your perspective a little.”
“That’s all I’m asking, Valerie. I think if we can understand each other a bit better, we’ll do just fine.”
Valerie wasn’t so sure, but she couldn’t help but be caught up in Ella’s optimism. It felt good to be on speaking terms with Ella again. She was glad that she had misunderstood Ella’s previous silence after her refusal on the dating issue.
The conversation turned to lighter things, and Valerie’s spirits lifted. She loved talking to Ella. Just being near her was a balm to the ragged edges of her mind.
When dinner ended, Ella and Valerie got up at the same time.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m helping you wash up.”
“No way. You’re a guest. I’ll do the washing up later tonight.”
Ella rolled her eyes. “I’m not leaving you with a pile of dishes that’s going to keep you up late tonight and make you exhausted tomorrow, Valerie. Stop being stubborn and let me help.”
With that, Ella marched into the kitchen and picked up a scrubbing brush.
“See who’s being stubborn now,” Valerie muttered, but she wasn’t really annoyed. Ella was right about the big pile of dishes. Valerie really needed to get a housekeeper, but she felt wary of inviting a stranger into her space.
Valerie joined Ella at the sink and started drying and putting away the dishes as Ella washed them. Their elbows bumped every now and then, and as they finished, they both turned to face each other but underestimated exactly how close they were together, bringing themselves practically chest to chest.
Valerie knew she should step back, but her feet didn’t seem to want to cooperate with her brain’s commands. Instead, her body did the exact opposite of what she was telling it. She found herself wrapping an arm around Ella’s neck and drawing her closer.
Ella offered no resistance, and in a mere moment, they were kissing.
Either Valerie had forgotten how good kissing Ella was, or the time apart had only made the kisses that much sweeter. Ella moaned into the kiss and Valerie took the opportunity to press her tongue inside Ella’s mouth.
It seemed that Ella had the same idea, resulting in an awkward battle of advancing tongues for a few moments before they slid past each other and settled easily into the kiss.
Valerie grabbed Ella’s hips, never breaking the kiss, and settled her on the counter. She pressed a hand between Ella’s legs, pressing the heel of her hand down over her clit through her clothes.
Ella broke away from the kiss, gasping and rocking her hips forward slightly. Valerie smiled triumphantly and struggled with the zipper to Ella’s jeans for a moment before getting it undone and sliding her hand inside Ella’s panties. She started touching Ella’s clitoris, which she could feel responding to her as she re-captured her mouth in a scorching kiss.
Ella wrapped her arms around Valerie’s neck and hung on for dear life. She spread her legs and tilted her hips, giving Valerie the best access she could in the current position. Valerieremembered what Ella had done to her and repeated the same movements on Ella.