“Come for me, Valerie. Let go.”
Valerie came, practically sobbing with relief as her orgasm took her breath away. Her entire body shook with it as she clenched her legs around Ella’s hand. Ella kept rubbing firm and fast, riding Valerie through it.
Valerie felt herself squirting, and she couldn’t stop it. She had never squirted before, and in a public elevator didn’t seem like the best place to start, but she couldn’t help herself. Her pussy gushed as Ella’s continued rubbing drew out her orgasm impossibly long, until Valerie thought she may die from sheer pleasure before it ended.
When it finally did, Valerie collapsed heavily against the side of the elevator, gasping for breath. Ella removed her hand and came to sit next to Valerie, who was still in a heap on the floor.
“Does that feel better?”
“You know it does, Ella. No need to be smug.”
“You don’t need to deny yourself, Valerie. It’s not good for you.”
Valerie shrugged. She was still processing what had just happened. It had been years since she’d had sex, and when she had, it hadn’t been with an employee, let alone in a workplace. Sex may not be a big deal with Ella, but it was to Valerie.
She knew that she shouldn’t have done it, but she was practically lightheaded from relief and release and couldn’t bring herself to regret it right now. Maybe she would later, but for now, all she could feel was relaxed and sated.
Perhaps now she wouldn’t struggle so much with her attraction to Ella. She’d gotten to experience all of her dirtiest fantasies, the one she denied even to herself, and she was beyond satisfied with the outcome.
Surely, she wouldn’t struggle so much anymore.
By the time they were rescued from the elevator, Valerie and Ella were dressed, and they had used Ella’s spare scrub cap to mop up the mess Valerie had made.
“I’m sorry,” Valerie mumbled. “I’ll wash the scrub cap for you.”
“Don’t worry about it, I can wash it myself. Besides, it was hot as hell.” Ella winked at her, putting the scrub cap in her pocket.
To Valerie’s utter indignation, the experience in the elevator didn’t make things easier on her.
If anything, it made them worse. It was like now that her body had gotten a taste of what being with Ella felt like, it was demanding more so relentlessly that Valerie was having a hard time focusing on anything else.
She knew that it was irrational to be angry with Ella, but she was. Why did Ella have to be so damn irresistible? Valerie was trying, she really was, but Ella was like a walking sex goddess and Valerie felt like she was a hapless moth being drawn toward a flame.
Her phone rang, jolting her out of her irritated thoughts. “What?” Valerie answered impatiently.
“Valerie, it’s Ella. I’m at the diner. Are we still on for lunch today?”
“No, we’re not,” Valerie snapped. “I’m a busy woman, Ella, and I can’t devote all my time to you.”
“Oh. I—were you pulled into a surgery?”
“I’ve got a lot of paperwork to do. I’ll see you later, Ella.”
Valerie hung up, grumbling to herself. She knew she wasn’t being fair to Ella, but she also knew that lunch with Ella right now would be a bad, bad idea. She was about ninety-percent certain that the two of them would end up in the nearest bathroom screwing each other’s brains out.
She couldn’t have that. Valerie sternly reminded herself that it was against hospital rules, and when you broke the rules, people died. She of all people should remember that.
Ella was thoroughly vexed. It had been a week since the hot elevator sex, and Valerie had been as disagreeable as a cat in a sack since then. She would have thought that some good sex would loosen Valerie up, but no, Valerie had been giving her the cold shoulder ever since.
Ella wondered if she had made a mistake initiating things with Valerie. It seemed to have put back their progress significantly, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret the elevator sex. It was hands-down the best sex she’d ever had. Seeing Valerie come apart like that under her touch was the hottest thing Ella had ever been witness to.
Well, Ella wasn’t giving up that easily. Valerie may not want to have sex again—her loss—but Ella wasn’t going to give up on their budding friendship. She would talk to Valerie and clear all this up. There was no problem so bad it didn’t have a solution. She would fix this.
So, she went up to Valerie’s office and knocked.