Page 40 of Rules of the Heart

Ella brought her focus back to Kate. Kate was a good person and would make a great partner to whoever she dated… but Ella couldn’t be that person. It wouldn’t be fair to her or to Kate to start dating when she was still so hung up on Valerie.

“I’m sorry, Kate,” Ella said quietly. “I can’t do this. I thought I could, but… I still have feelings for someone else. I wanted to get over her, but, well, I just can’t.”

She had expected the disappointment she saw on Kate’s face. What she didn’t expect was Kate’s reaction.

Kate sighed and took Ella’s hand over the table. “Thanks for telling me, Ella. It’s better to know upfront than try to start something when your heart isn’t really in it. I’d still like us to be friends, if you’re up for that.”


Ella had expected Kate to be annoyed—she would be, if someone had agreed to date her while still having feelings for someone else. Kate’s reaction took her by complete surprise and just went to prove what a decent person Kate was.

“Yes, really. I feel like we have a connection, and you don’t find that often.”

“Are you certain friendship will be enough for you?” Ella was all too aware of the fact that when Valerie had asked her that question, she had said yes, and it turned out that she was wrong.

“I’m sure. There are plenty of other women I can date. I’m already on Tinder. I’m sure I’ll find someone soon enough. I’d love to remain friends with you. I think we could be good friends, Ella.”

“I think so too. I’d be honored to be your friend, Kate.”

Kate squeezed Ella’s hand before letting go. “Now, tell me about this person you still have feelings for. I want to know all the gory details.”

Ella grinned. She found she was looking forward to confiding in Kate. Maybe Kate would have a new perspective on her problem.

“Well, her name is Valerie and she is my boss…”



Valerie clenched her hands into fists and stomped past Ella. Ella was sitting with that pretty brunette again. They were chatting and laughing together, leaning over the tabletop toward each other.

Valerie was going crazy with jealousy. Of course, she had no grounds to complain. She couldn’t expect Ella to wait around pining for her forever, especially when Valerie had told her over and over again that she didn’t want to date.

Ella had every right to date and to bring her new girlfriend into the hospital cafeteria for lunch.

That didn’t mean that it didn’t drive Valerie crazy.

Valerie stopped in a nearby bathroom, trying to get control of herself. She needed to get her head straight before this started to affect her work. She couldn’t drive herself crazy thinking about another woman’s hands on Ella’s body.

It should beherhands and no one else’s. No one else should get to touch her Ella.

No. That’s exactly the kind of thought that would send her into a jealous rage and have her storming over to Ella’s girlfriend and doing something she would sorely regret later.

She went to her office, which was more and more becoming her sanctuary nowadays. She hated that she was avoiding surgery simply to avoid Ella, but she knew that if she got pulled into a surgery with Ella now, she would start interrogating her about her new girlfriend, and that conversation would absolutely end in an argument.

Over an operating table was not a good time, so for now, Valerie was avoiding surgeries, at least until she could get her emotions under control.

She stayed late that night, knowing that Ella would leave at five and not wanting to bump into her. Valerie was therefore surprised when she nearly collided with Ella on her way to the locker room. Ella was dressed in a surgical gown and practically jumped out of her skin when she saw Valerie.

“Valerie! What are you doing here so late?”

“I was working.” Valerie narrowed her eyes. “What areyoudoing here so late?”

“I… um…”

“Ella, why do you have a surgical gown on? You don’t have any surgeries scheduled for this evening.”

“Look, don’t be mad, okay?”