Page 4 of Rules of the Heart

Ella’s heart warmed at the thought of her team fighting for her even as she slept. She just hoped that none of them got into trouble over it.

“I’d love to accept the position.”

“Excellent! Can you start on Monday?”

It was Saturday. Andre certainly moved fast.

“Let me see about getting an apartment first.”

She would have to move states and finding an apartment could take weeks.

“We can fund a hotel for you while you look for an apartment.”

Wow, they really did want her. Maybe being fired wasn’t the disaster Ella had thought it was. This could be a new chapter in her career.

“That would be very generous, thank you.”

“There is one thing I should warn you about.”

Of course, there had to be one thing. This would just be too good to be true otherwise. “Alright, hit me.”

“Our Head of Surgery, Dr. Valerie Bush, is not going to be at all happy about this. I’m the hospital manager and in charge of hiring, so I get the final say, but Valerie intensely dislikes rule breakers. She won’t be pleased at all to have you on staff.”

That could be a problem. This may be a dream job, but that dream could swiftly turn into a nightmare if Dr. Valerie Bush wanted it to be.

On the other hand, Ella had never been one to give up in the face of adversity. She was sure that this Dr. Bush could be professional—she wouldn’t have become Head of Surgery if she couldn’t be. Even if they didn’t like each other much, the two of them could still do their jobs.

“That won’t be a problem. I don’t need to be friends with my boss. If she doesn’t like me, well, the two of us will just have to work with that.”

“Excellent! That’s exactly the kind of attitude I like to see. Now, let’s discuss details…”

They went over the details of the contract. The hours and the pay were more than fair. Ella would need to see the ink drying on the contract itself before she truly believed that this was all happening.

But she found herself already thinking ahead to selling her apartment and looking to buy a new one near Yarley Medical.

Thoughts of Dr. Valerie Bush were far from her mind. Surely, Valerie Bush wouldn’t be too much of a problem. After all, how bad could it be?



“This is such bullshit!”

“Valerie, calm down.”

“Don’t you tell me to calm down, Andre! How dare you stick your nose in my department?!”

“Need I remind you that I’m the hospital manager? It’s my job to stick my nose in every department! Besides, have you even read her resume? She’s amazing—a mercurial talent- only thirty-four and she’s already pulled off some surgeries that have only been successfully completed a handful of times across the globe.”

“I’m not arguing her surgical skills,” Valerie admitted reluctantly. “I have looked at her resume, and she is an extremely skilled surgeon. That’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried about everything else that comes with that skill. She’s not a team player, Andre. She won’t fit in well here.”

“On the contrary, sheisa team player; she proved that much very recently when she convinced a bunch of doctors and nurses to go rogue with her. Working with others has never been aproblem for her. What I think you meant to say is that she’s not a rule follower.”

“Exactly! You just said it, Andre—she convinced a group of doctors and nurses to go rogue with her! Do you even have any idea how many things are wrong with that sentence? And you HIRED this woman without asking me?”

“Honestly, Valerie, don’t you think you’re being a bit dramatic? This is great for the hospital. We gain an extremely talented surgeon and some great publicity for the hospital to boot.”

Valerie folded her arms. “I’m not hiring her.”