Page 11 of Rules of the Heart

She didn’t see any more patients that day but spent the entire afternoon locked up in the small clinic office, going through files.

The more files she went through, the more aggravated she became.

No matter how hard she looked, Valerie couldn’t find a single mistake. It seemed that so far, Ella had been absolutely right. They were finally getting through the patient volume they needed to in order to see everyone, and no one had been hurt.

Indignation and anger welled up within Valerie’s chest, making her wish she was back at the gym so that she could beat up the boxing bag until she felt better. How dare Ella do this without her permission?! How dare she succeed?!

Of course, Valerie was glad that they were helping more patients without compromising care, but she was still angry that Ella had gone behind her back to do it.

The real question was, what should Valerie do now? She couldn’t in good conscience walk back the changes Ella had made, no matter how much she wanted to. Those changes were saving lives, just like Ella had said they would.

Valerie ground her teeth as she glared down at the numbers. No, she couldn’t keep everyone to the old intake system in light of these numbers.

However, she also couldn’t give Ella the idea that it was okay to go around breaking the rules. Ella had been lucky this time, but sooner or later, if she kept breaking rules, someone was going to get hurt—maybe even killed.

Valerie had to get Ella under control. A swift punishment would surely teach her a lesson.


“You heard me, Ella. You’re suspended for a week, without pay. What you pulled was reckless and dangerous, and I won’t have that kind of behavior among my staff.”

“Oh yeah? Because I was in the clinic yesterday and they were still using the new intake system. Why is that I wonder?”

Valerie was once more taken by the desire to hit something. She settled for clenching her hands into fists. “I’ve told them to keep the new system, but that’s beside the point—”

“No, that’s exactly the point. I was right and you know it. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have hesitated to change the system back. So you’re punishing me for knowing better than you?”

“I’m punishing you for breaking the rules,” Valerie gritted out. “No matter how this turned out, you would have been punished. You’re just lucky your little experiment worked out. Had it not, you would not be suspended; you would be fired. As it is, you’re skating on thin ice. If you want to stay here, you’re going to have to learn to follow the rules. I don’t tolerate rule-breakers in my staff, and that includes you.”

Ella glared right back at her. “You just don’t want to admit you were wrong. Grow up, Valerie! You’re an adult. Sometimes, you’re wrong, and it won’t kill you to admit it.”

“Youwillbehave, Ella, one way or another.” Either Ella would fall in line, or she would be out of the line altogether. Valerie wouldn’t hesitate to fire her if necessary.

Ella stepped in closer and tilted her chin up to look at Valerie. “Make me,” she challenged.

And oh, how Valerie longed to kiss her. She wanted to plunder Ella’s mouth and make her obey through her actions if she couldn’t do so through her words.

She imagined fucking Ella hard against the desk, denying her release until Ella begged to be allowed to follow the rules.

The image was so arousing that it was almost painful to resist, but Valerie forced herself to take a step back.

It was against the rules—her rules she herself had made. She hadn’t made herself popular when she had banned relationships between employees, but she was convinced it was the right thing to do. That kind of fraternization just made things so complicated, and they couldn’t afford to have those kinds of complications getting in the way of patient care.

“I can’t make you do anything, Ella.” Valerie hated that she was slightly out of breath, even though she hadn’t been moving. “Icantell you that your behavior will not be tolerated. Any rule breaking is not taken lightly, as you now know. Whether you want to work for Yarley Medical is up to you. Just know that if you keep going like you are now, you won’t be working here for much longer. Now please get out of my office.”

Before I break and start ravishing you.

Valerie didn’t miss how Ella’s eyes flicked to her lips and wondered if Ella was going to kiss her. Valerie didn’t know whether to hope for it or not. On the one hand, she desperately wanted Ella, but on the other, if Ella kissed her, Valerie wasn’t sure if she’d have the strength to push her away.

Eventually, Ella shot her one last glare and spun on her heel, striding out of the office.

Well, Valerie had at least bought herself an Ella-free week. She could use this time to re-center and try to forget about the lustful thoughts she had about her young employee. Aside from the boss/employee issue, Ella had to be twenty years younger than her.

It is too much of an age gap, Valerie. Even if she does keep challenging you with those big innocent aquamarine eyes.

Unfortunately, while Ella was suspended from work, Valerie hadn’t thought to suspend her from the clinic. Even if she had thought of it, she probably wouldn’t have done it. Turning volunteers away from the clinic would just be stupid.

In the surgical wing, there were other surgeons who could cover Ella’s shifts, and there was always the option to call her in should there be a case too advanced for the on-call neurosurgeons. In the clinic, if they were a doctor down, they saw fewer patients, which meant more people went home without being seen.