Looks like she’s learning pretty quickly. She used to talk so slowly when she first started three weeks ago and now must have realized I expected people to get to the point. It’s one of the reasons my last assistant quit—I mean got fired. Scratch that, not just the last one, every other assistant before her I fired at the end of their probation period because they couldn’t keep up. That’s the reason I stopped learning their names because I knew they wouldn’t meet my expectations and end up fired, sowhy waste my time. Turns out, number 44 hadn’t done anything wrong so far and it’s about time I learned her name.

“Okay, send her in at 3:00 pm.” I dropped the phone and hung up my suit jacket in the closet before taking a seat behind my desk.

I quickly glanced through the email sent to me by Mr. Thompson fromThe Daily Chronicleto once again look at the pre-planned questions for the interview. They didn’t look so bad, nothing too personal.

My watch vibrated against my wrist, signaling that it was 3:00 pm, and just then my office door opened as a dark-haired, slender lady stepped inside. At first, all I noticed was her descriptive blue eyes that felt so familiar and that her hair matched the color of my door. Her lips parted slightly as she glanced around my office. I felt an instant swell in my pants as I took the time to appraise her body.

Damn! She was sexy.

I blinked back the crazy desires surging through me and brought myself back to reality. She’s a stranger and could be married for all I knew. Then there’s the fact that she was young. She couldn’t be more than twenty-three, and definitely wouldn’t go for a seventeen-year age gap.Why am I even thinking in that direction?

Soon her blue eyes fell on mine, sending my brain into a spiral as several images of what I’d love to do to her filled my head. I flushed the thoughts out of my mind as fast as they’d come. I wasn’t someone who got easily flustered by a woman. What was wrong with me?And more so, I needed to maintain my cool for this interview now more than ever. It shouldn’t matter how attracted I was to the interviewer, and I don’t think she felt the same way.

I could tell this much from how her eyes filled with animosity as she glared pointedly at me, and at that moment, I knew I had seen those eyes somewhere. But where?

Where have I met this beauty? And how come I have no recollection of her?



My hands tightened around my bag as I made my way closer to the desk, feeling an electric pull drawing me toward him, but he raised a hand abruptly stopping me in my tracks.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” he asked, shocking me greatly.

Great. He didn’t remember me but I could have sworn I saw recognition in his eyes a few moments ago. That didn’t matter. What mattered was him asking who I was when he had asked me to come in. Didn’t he know I was the reporter here for the interview?

“FromThe Daily Chronicle,I'm Olivia?—”

“That’s fine, let’s get to it,” Ethan said curtly, cutting me off.

I was taken aback by his abruptness and I found it hard to comprehend why he would be acting that way. It was simple. He’s still the same ass he used to be. I didn’t know why I was so surprised.

Although I had a lot I wanted to say, all I did was nod my head in agreement. I stepped back as he stood, his height dwarfing me even from behind his desk. As he stepped forward, I moved backward. My eyes grew wide as he un-cuffed his cufflinks, pulling the sleeves of his white shirt up his arms. Igulped, hard, as my eyes ran up his muscled arms, trailing along his bulging biceps, and finally making a stop at his broad chest. I felt a flutter in my chest as my breaths started shortening.

Oh no! There’s no way I’m going to get through this interview if I’m this distracted by him, but I have no choice.

He moved toward the black sofa and sat down, crossing his long legs as he signaled me to do the same without saying a word. As much as I wanted to ignore his rudeness and pretend he wasn’t talking to me, I couldn’t do so because I needed this interview to be over with. So, I sat on the couch adjacent to him and retrieved my laptop from my bag. I navigated over to the file containing the interview questions.

I tried my best not to meet his gaze as I clicked my keyboard, preparing myself before speaking, but it was hard to not be distracted by him since he was now making a slow, rhythmic beat on the arm of the sofa with his fingers. As annoying as the sound was, I ignored it, and ignoring it required me to type louder.

“The noise of your keypad is distracting. Could you use a notepad instead?” Ethan asked in a flat tone, his hand still drumming that slow rhythm on the arm of the sofa.

Yeah, like your fingers making that stupid sound isn’t distracting for me.

I didn’t say what I was thinking. All I said was, “Okay,” as I closed my laptop and pulled out a recorder along with my notepad, a printed copy of the questions, and a pen.

“Let's get started then. I believe the questions have been previously forwarded to you. No new questions have been added nor are too personal as requested, so you can be comfortable,” I said, still not meeting his eyes.

“Looks like you’re the one who's uncomfortable to me,” he said deadpanned.

That wasn’t a lie. It was hard for me to keep my eyes off of him. His dark brown hair was slicked back, exposing his angular features that drove me wild. His sea-green eyes compelled me in ways I’d rather not think about because they fueled unwanted thoughts and images in my mind. His lips looked so sensual and inviting that it took everything in me not to jump out of my seat and kiss him with blind abandon. But I wouldn’t. Hell, I didn’t even like him.

“No, I'm not,” I hastened a reply to him as I raised my head to him. I took a deep breath, reminding myself how important this job was to me. I was going to give it my all regardless of how this asshole treated me. “On your company website, it says that you founded the company when you were about twenty by launching an app calledHookies.May I ask what inspired that move and the name of the app?”

“That's quite an obvious answer,” he said, looking as though he hadn’t seen the question on the file sent to him. I mean if he considered it so useless he could have said something and how the answer was obvious.

I kept on staring at him, hoping an answer would come out of his mouth, but the longer I stared, I realized he wasn't planning on continuing. “May I ask how the answer is obvious?”