“I suppose Ethan could have done better,” James said sarcastically as he released me from our hug.

“I knew you being nice to me was too good to be true,” I said, rolling my eyes. If there’s one thing James enjoyed, it was teasing me. For a minute, I thought he had changed. Brothers will always be brothers.

“Yeah, whatever,” James said and stretched a hand out to Ethan. “I guess I’ll see you later, Ethan. I should leave you two. Call me.”

“No, I won’t,” Ethan said in a flat tone.

As I watched James walk out the door, I couldn’t stop smiling. I turned toward Ethan and saw that he was smiling too. I moved closer to him and wrapped my hands around his bare torso, hugging him tightly. He immediately embraced me, his arms encircling me.

“I’m so glad we no longer have to keep it a secret from him,” I murmured against his chest before raising my head. Standing on tiptoes, I pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you for protecting me all those years ago.”

Ethan cupped my cheeks, tilting my head up before capturing my lips. “The pleasure was all mine. Olivia. I’m so happy to have you in my life.”

“Me too.” I pulled his head down, kissing him again.



A smile filled my face as I read Olivia’s message, unable to contain my happiness. I quickly replied with an equally lighthearted text and set my phone back down. When I glanced up, I noticed that Mr. Stevens and most of the other employees in the meeting were staring at me with confusion.

It took me a moment to realize that they must have asked for my opinion on something, so I cleared my throat. “Sorry, what did you say?”

“We wanted to know if the proposal is approved,” Mr. Stevens said.

“Yes, it is,” I replied, finally recalling the topic of discussion. “I supposed we are done here then.”

I stood up and left the conference room even before anyone could say another word. I knew they’d be gossiping about my absentmindedness, and it bothered me. So, as I reached my office, I focused on the next task on my schedule and started reading through the company’s monthly report.

Soon enough, I was engrossed in my work, losing track of time as I delved into the reports. The sudden ringing of the telephone jolted me back to reality.

“Yes, Gloria,” I said as I begrudgingly picked up the ringing telephone, prepared to give Gloria a piece of my mind if she wasn’t calling for an important reason.

She was well aware of how much I despised interruptions while I was working, and she hadn’t made such a mistake since she started working here. There had better be a good reason for her call, or she could kiss her job goodbye.

“You have a visitor, sir,” Gloria informed me.

According to my calculations, I shouldn’t have any visitors at this time. This was time designated for me to read through the company’s monthly report. I glanced at my wristwatch to confirm.

“What time is it, Gloria?” I asked.

“It’s 2:25 pm,” Gloria replied, her voice quivering slightly.

“According to my schedule, what should I be doing?” I fired off the question quickly.

“Monthly reports,” she blurted out. “I’m sorry, sir. It’s an unplanned visitor.”

Unplanned visitor? The only person who could come to my office without an appointment was Oliva and Gloria knew better than to stop her. Olivia was the only distraction I welcomed.

“You know what to do,” I said curtly, ready to hang up the phone, but I paused at Gloria’s next words.

“Jessica Gavin,” Gloria rushed out from the other end. “She said her name is Jessica Gavin, and insists it’s important to meet with you right away.”


The name evoked a numbness in my heart, and a fury of questions flooded my mind. Why would she show up at my office out of the blue after six years?

The only person who could answer this question was Jessica herself, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to see her after what she had done. Coming face-to-face with your ex-fiancée after sixyears wasn’t a pleasant prospect, especially when you broke up because you caught her cheating. And it was even more complicated when you were finally in a healthy relationship with someone like Olivia, whom you truly wanted to be with.