“Work!” She sounded appalled, to say the least, and when I looked at her, her expression spelled it all out. “You said you weren’t going to make me work through the night.”
“I’m the one working, not you,” I countered.
“Same thing,” she argued as she glared at me.
I glanced at my wristwatch. “It’s only until 7:30 pm. That’s when I usually stop working.”
After saying this, I returned my gaze to my computer hoping I could get to work without being distracted by her, but boy, was I wrong.
“What do all those strange letters mean?”
I felt her breath against my neck and jumped in my skin, whipping my head backward to find Olivia peering down at my desktop.How in the hell did she get behind me without me knowing?
“Are they codes?”
“Why are you standing over my shoulder?”
“Shadowing you.” She shrugged.
“Olivia, go back and sit down,” I said in a warning tone.
Her blue eyes pinned me to my seat as though daring me. I grunted in a warning way, but as though my mouth called to her, she glanced at my lips and instinctively licked hers.Whatdid that mean?I cleared my throat, and she jerked up instantly, her face getting red.
“I bet it’s all boring.” She harrumphed before going back to where she was sitting and got busy with her phone. “And now there’s no internet service!” I quickly glanced at my desktop, thankful to still have mine. “I’ll just play some random game then.”
I ignored her whiny gestures. Although she was no longer hovering over my shoulder, I couldn’t stop thinking about the moment her eyes had locked on my lips and the reaction it had brought out of her, as she was also attracted to me.The thought the attraction was mutual would be shocking.
Even if I confirmed it was true, it wouldn’t be wise to pursue the attraction and I pushed it out of my mind and returned to working on creating the codes for the new app, but of course, the internet connection became inconsistent. I forewent working on my laptop and started sifting through the files on my desk. By the time my wristwatch vibrated signaling that it was 7:30 pm, I had made no headway with my work, the blizzard hadn’t stopped, and Olivia was pretty much absorbed in whatever she was doing.
I stood up and took off the cufflinks on my shirt. “Olivia, come with me.”
She looked at me. “What?”
“Let’s go to my secret chamber,” I said as a last resort. This secret room in my office was for days when I had too much work to do and couldn’t go home, and I hadn’t wanted today to be one of those days, but the unexpected storm made that determination.
I was inevitably stuck for an unknown amount of time with the one woman I couldn’t have, but wanted more than ever.
I stared pointedly at Ethan, straining my ears and wondering if I’d heard him correctly. He did just say secret chamber, right? It sounded like a joke, but Ethan Beckett wasn’t a man who joked around, and the way he was staring at me and expecting me to get up told me he wasn’t playing.
“You have a secret chamber? Like a secret room?” I asked, my brows furrowing. “In your office?”
“Yes. And asking you to come in there with me doesn’t imply anything,” he said, his head cocked sideways.
I didn’t know why this surprised me since I noticed from everything he had done today that he was very careful in all his dealings. It was only natural he had a room where he could stay the night if he was working late.Meticulouswas the only word that came to mind.
“Oh, my God!” I was excited at the thought of a secret room but even more scared of the fact that I would be staying the night in the same place as Ethan Beckett.
I already knew we were stuck together for the night, but I tried to push the thought out of my mind all this time, but now it was closing in on me. And so was my attraction toward him.Just great! A night alone with the one man who had somehow found a way to take over my entire mind and body.
I didn’t think I could survive this. Not if everything he did made me want to forget all things proper and jump him. And definitely not when I wanted him to do things to me, things that would leave me panting, breathless, and weak in the knees. Oh, fuck it! I slapped my forehead.
“Is something wrong?” He asked.
“No.” I cleared my throat, my face heating up. This was so embarrassing. “I’m just surprised, that’s all. Very surprised.” I looked around the room, trying to figure out where a hidden door could be in his office which seemed to be minimalistic on the design end. “So where is it?”