Page 41 of Adrena

“Fuck, cinnamon, you really spoil me too much.” He kissed me desperately and set me on the bed, yanking off his clothes fast enough I heard a seam tear from his shirt. “Show me everything.”

So I did. I showed him how to use the lube right and it was edible, moaning as he ate my ass as he fingered me. Then we went onto anal beads and stretching toys that he used to give me so many orgasms I was about done in.

Not all of this wasneededfor anal sex, but it had been a long time since I’d had it and he was fucking huge so yeah, we were going to have a bit of fanfare to make it work.

“I’ll be gentle,” he promised when he knew I was nervous.

“Only because it’s been so long for me.”

His breath was hot as he kissed my neck. “How long? Tell me I’m the first man in years and the only to be bare in you.”

“Yes, years, and I already told you it was only you.”

“I know, but I love hearing you fucking admit it,” he growled as he gently pushed in me.

He groaned when I mewled and arched my back, wanting more. He was gentle, his hands tightening on my waist to let me know he was dying to just thrust in one shot. But no, he rockedus, and by then I was pretty ready and open, so I moved my hips back to take more of him.

“Shit, that’s it, cinnamon. Demand more.”

“Give me your cock, my ogre. You said it’s mine.”

“It is yours,” he promised. He bottomed out so his hips touched my ass and then leaned over, nuzzling my neck. “I’m seconds from blowing. Give me a minute.”

I moaned, loving when I could drive him that crazy he couldn’t hold out. His stamina was growing the more we played, but I still loved that I could completely own him. I moved my body and he swore under his breath, realizing he’d waved the red flag in front of the bull.

“I’m going to keep fucking you until I go soft now, cinnamon.”

“Game on,” I whimpered as he moved faster. He finished and then kept right on going after a moment because he was still hard. He feltfantastic. That line of too much and just right blurring along with pain and pleasure. “Fuck me until I can’t feel my body, my ogre.”

Now I’d waved the red flag in front of him. He thrust hard and deep but not fast. It was like I had just enough time to take in a breath before he slammed into me and it all came out in a rush. It was glorious, and I came harder than I ever had from anal sex.

And he wasn’t nearly done with me.

When he was, I’d lost count of all the orgasms, melting into the bed as hefinallywent soft. Dear fuck, my ogre could really fuck.

“You’re a monster,” I moaned, glad when he chuckled and slipped out of me. He flopped onto the bed next to me and like he always did, immediately reached for me like he couldn’t bear the idea of not holding me after sex.

“You made this monster,” he murmured, kissing my hair. “That was so much better than the amplifying lotion I got from Sia.”

“I don’t know, we haven’t tried it,” I argued. “Amplifying what? Pleasure? I think that might kill me.”

“No, power. Deon said she was working on it for her hidden list, and I asked to let you test it since you’ve had all these orders. It would be nice if we were working from a stockpile instead of so much crazy. For you. I’m fine.”

“I have been getting flustered lately,” I accepted, knowing what he meant. “I think I know what it is. It amplifies when we absorb totems like if we use a familiar as an amplifier.”

“Use me however you can, Adrena. I want to help you like that.”

I froze, slowly glancing up at him with shock. “You’ve never said you wanted to be my familiar, just with me.”

He frowned, hurt in his eyes when he looked at me. “Of course, I do. I want youforever. I’ve said that. I want all of you and you’re a witch, so of course I accept that. Did you think I just wanted until I died? That would be horrible for you.”

“No, I just didn’t think on it yet,” I admitted. “You’ve just never used that word.”

He sighed. “Because I didn’t know much about it, but I’m learning from Deon, Levi, Theo, and even some from Ash. Logan says it’s like the next level of offering up since Tallulah can’t summon spirits. I never wanted to ask, but you don’t either.”

“I can’t,” I sighed. “Dark spirits can sense certain things like fucking beacons. A witch who hurt herself is a mother fucking beacon. Thora showed me once and it was bad. I could never do it on my own. But I have totems too. There are other ways.”

He tensed under me. “I would think I give you everything you need, and those ‘other ways’ aren’t needed anymore.”