Page 22 of Adrena

“Sorry, it’s only my second time, and now I’m not going to be here,” I muttered, feeling bad I was lecturing. “Just don’t offer samples for the naughty or sleepy ones. Those are take-home only.”

“Show me,” Sarah said as we finished up. She nodded, promising if she could control a class of high school students several times a day, she could handle this.

Good point.

“You have most everything I want to juice, but I’m going to pick up a few things here before I follow them back after this and we can have some fun,” Sarah said.


“I thought the damn South was supposed to be hot. This is just too cold with this wind. I could have frozen my nuts off in New York,” a voice said from behind me. “There you are!”

I turned and blinked at the man, not having enough coffee to register him and where I knew him from for a moment. “Jamison?”

“Hello, lovely,” he sang, giving me a huge hug. “You look fab. The business owner life suits you.”

“What are you doing here?” I asked, hugging him back. “I sent you everything to help decorate, right?”

He blew a raspberry and leaned away before tapping my nose. “The space was too gorgeous to just play through pictures. I wanted to come myself.

“Plus, Meave wants me to talk to some possible business help for you, we have pictures to take,andSia asked I deliver her payment on everything you’re letting her have because I guess it wasfab-u-lous. That’s why I came straight here.”

“Crazy says what now?”

He frowned at me. “I know your tricks.” He reached out and pinched my chin between his thumb and fingers.

I smiled up at him. I hadn’t spent much time with Meave when I’d helped her, but her friend and photographer had become someone I truly cared for as he made my obvious discomfort at my surroundings seem completely normal.

He was in our network more helping Tallulah and Sia now it seemed, but he didn’t really know the full story. Though I got the feeling he thought we were something, but probably not witches.

I think he thought like female Illuminati, but knowing him he wouldn’t care as we were good people.

He held up a set of vehicle keys. “Sia got you one of the new electric trucks and a tow trailer to help out with the events as one van is just not going to be enough for you, lovely.”

My eyes went wide. “That’s one hell of a fucking payment for giving her my scraps.”

He clucked his tongue. “Yes, but those scraps are gold to her and she has done something fabulous with one of those. Mango something.”

“The mangosteen? Awesome. She can have gobs of them.”

“I’m sorry I’m running behind because of the truck, but let’s get pictures and all the awesome going so you can rush off and set up at the next one,” he said when I opened my mouth to ask more questions.

Right, priorities.

Alice—who had pulled out in front of the others working for me and was graduating this year—had perfect timing to show up with my new shirts.

“She got you a ninety thousand dollar truck and a refrigerated, insulated trailer that’s probably at least another ten,” Finn told me as he came back.

“Damn.” I chuckled, shaking my head. “And here I thought I’d owe her forever for letting me copy her setup. I just knew she was hoping to get any extra goji as her provider has been running light and talking about upping the price. Maybe I’ll send her some saplings next time. I was already thinking of adding the soursop seeds since we didn’t think of those to try.”

“I’ll text you if I think we’re going to run out of stock,” Sarah promised.

I nodded. I’d almost doubled from the week before, and I couldn’t think we’d really sell more than that no matter how well things were going.

We left and hurried to the new place, finding our spot and getting set up in time only because Finn was a machine and my other helpers busted their butts.

Jamison got some good pictures that would work well for social media to fill in when we needed it. I wish I’d put on some real makeup besides a bit of mascara as he also kept taking them with me.

He left not long after to meet with a photographer in the area he was hopeful I could work with when I needed one. Awesome. He took the van though, so he wasn’t riding all around with the trailer and knew how to get back to my place.