Page 43 of Adrena

“What? No, you can’t really be a witch,” she argued. “You’re not evil or—”

“Not all witches are evil,” Finn cut in as he joined us. “Adrena is a light witch.”

Peter snorted. “There’s no difference.”

“Thereis,” Finn snapped.

He shot him a look like he was dense. “She uses her powers to fuck with people’s minds. You seriously think to defend that?”

“She helps theirmoodsand to sleep. Yeah, what a bitch,” he drawled as he moved closer to me. “Why is he not dropping from Briony’s spell? Does he not have witch blood on him?”

I winced, not having realized he knew that much about the fence and the spell she put on it that I had to power up. “I can’t have that part of it. I have light witch blood on my hands too.”

Peter snorted. “Oh right, you’re one to judge me then.”

“I havemy bloodon my hands, you asshole,” I seethed. “I didn’t know what I was because zealots like you probably killed my parents and I was put in foster care. I tried to kill myself.

“Technically, I died for a few moments, and that blood is on my hands. That isnotthe same as the blood I see in your fucking aura. You’ve killed at least two light witches as it stains your aura.”

“You’ve killed people?” Sarah whispered, giving her husband wide eyes as she took a step back. “You said it was self-defense.”

I chuckled darkly, answering before he could. “Hunters believe it’s always self-defense with abominations like witches. Funny because they rob and steal their magic, so they’re also hypocrites.”

“So he’s one too?” Peter asked, assessing us like he was ready to get on with things.

“Touch her and I’ll fucking end you,” Finn warned.

“Oh, he’s not going anywhere with blood on him like that and to warn his hunter friends,” I promised. I moved to launch the right spell to incapacitate him, but Sarah’s next sentence froze me.

“I’m pregnant!”

Peter’s head snapped in her direction and he finally looked at his own wife instead of excited for the kill he saw about to happen. His nostrils flared and rage filled his eyes that even made me want to shiver. “You’re what? You tricked me.”

“No, it was—”

“You lying fucking whore! I told you no kidsever.”

“It was an accident,” she rasped, taking a few more steps away and towards me which was smart. “Jesus, we even tell the kids at school that birth control isn’t foolproof. Nothing is a hundred percent.”

“We’ll get rid of it,” he declared.

“What?” she gasped. “I know you don’t want kids because of how you were raised, but you got out of that life, and we don’t—”

“There’s no ‘getting out’ of being a hunter, Sarah,” I told her gently. “He’s been lying to you. They kill their own who try to get out because it’s betraying their calling. Sort of how the Black and Evans families of hunters went after their sons.” I smirked when he flinched. “Yeah, friends of yours?”

“You murdered them?” he seethed, taking a threatening step towards me but stopping when I brought fireballs in my hands.

“No, but that wasactuallyself-defense as they showed up with a fucking rocket launcher to take out their kids who didn’t want to hunt innocent people who don’t hurt anyone even if they have magic,” I sneered. “That’s what he’s not telling you, Sarah.

“He’snot out. He might get to live on the line and have a normal life if he’s still loyal and helps on hunts, kills witches he finds, but if he has achild—”

“He’s required to make it go through their zealot school or they’ll kill him and take the kid,” Finn muttered. “You too if you’re not on board.”

“That’sinsane,” Sarah hissed, moving her arms protectively over her stomach.

“It is but look at his face. See the rage and death in his eyes,” I told her. “For me, for your baby, and how it will ruin his life.”

“You lecture and judge me, but you’ve taken a fuckingslave,” Peter bellowed, gesturing to Finn. “Sarah’s told me how you work him like a dog, and he follows his bitch around like he’s mindlessly in heat.”