Page 25 of Larissa

“This is not a typical marriage and not just because there are three men to one woman. She is your witch. She is responsible for providing for you, and while you will help her with that, she is boss. She’s got more than enough money to ease this—”

“Let’s hold off on getting ready to spend her inheritance we don’t know if she’ll even get,” Jesse drawled.

I mentally winced, the spirit bursting out laughing. “Oh dear, you didn’t know that your little darling has several million in the bank already? Money is not an issue you ever need to worry about again. Ever.”



A fly farting could have been heard as the spirit dropped that bomb on us. I snapped out of it first, shaking my head.

“No, wait, she said she raised her prices and could handle the renovations, but Thora gifted her the land.”

“That is all true, but her prices reflect her value, and her value is very much there,” she explained. “She is the only known witch to be able to use her magic on technology.

“She can manipulate information better than any hacker as it’s magic. And witches pay for that, from needing to fabricate a child for them to become in a few decades to making the IRS go away to hiding when they hunt a bad witch.”

“Wow, okay, so… Okay then,” Jessed chuckled, shaking his head. “Fine, but we can still work and take local jobs.”

“Your witch willnotlike that as witches are possessive of their familiars and want them close,” she warned. “Besides, I’m fairly certain there is more than enough for you to dohereso you are not idle with a sugar momma.

“But know that her first priority will be protection. She isterrifiedabout other witches knowing where she is after what her mother said.”

“Others will figure out she’s the genius, and if she’s not running, she’s got a location to come at,” I surmised, nodding my head. “Okay, so that’s a priority.” I had no idea of what to do with that, but I could help, not just always be the teasing and lighthearted one.

She nodded. “You already have your roles in her mind, and it’s time to decide if you accept them. Jackson, you are the big picture guy and the one that helps keep everyone safe, the one she feels safest with. That is your role.

“Jesse, you see her as she is and help her get more comfortable with who she is. And that means the idea of building a home and being domestic.

“Jared, you are the one to coax her out. You like getting her outside and seeing the land, appreciating it, and making her laugh. It’s slowly chipping away at the terror and hobbit hole she’s always lived in.

“Don’t push, but keep with the easy ideas and bringing color into her world. That’s what she needs from each of you. There will be crossover, of course—ofcourse, there will, but it’s what she sees.”

I was fine with that. I could more than handle that role, and I liked our relationship on the path it was progressing. I mentally shook my head. It was like I had already decided this was forever and I was hers.

Hadn’t I?

“Now, you also need to think of what you need from her—her role in your life to balance you so you’re not just always giving,” she continued. “She seems to feel as if she makes Jackson pull the stick out of his ass a bit and realize he’s a guy who wants to cuddle on the couch with his girl. Jesse needs to be seen as much as she needs it. Jared, you want to be taken seriously and she does that for you.”

She really did. I nodded. And I did need that.

We might all be the same age, born minutes apart, but I was the baby and dismissed too often. We’d had a crap childhood, and Jackson had gotten a lot dumped on him, but I wanted to find who I was more instead of just being one of three.

And I felt that way with Larissa. We were curious together, and I liked that she gave that part of herself to me.

We talked a bit more, and it got to the point I knew Larissa would be overly uncomfortable going so fast.

“Why don’t you take the rest of the time to talk with nugget on how she feels about what happened today while we discuss what you’ve said?” I suggested, shocking everyone. “Personally, I’d like to talk to you again as I found this helpful, but I feel like any more on this right now would curve the path.”

“Agreed,” Jackson said after a few moments and then so did Jesse.

The spirit agreed and Larissa went to her room to finish up. There were several moments of silence and then Jackson sighed.

“I’m in. All the way. I’m totally—I need her. It might not be love, real love yet, but I know I would have died if they’d taken her.”

“I feel the same,” Jesse agreed.

“I think I do too, but you both have had more time with her,” I admitted. “I think either way, we do not act on it yet as it’s all too fresh. There is no reason to do it today or tomorrow. Yes, I want sex with her too but—”