A man steps beside me and for once, a presence in this castle of horrors doesn’t terrify me. His smile reaches his eyes and though he is big and scary, I can tell he’d be a teddy bear if he had a different career choice.

“Pleasure to meet you, Ms. May.” His accent is thick and warm. I realize why I suddenly like this man. He reminds me of Ricky’s dad. He’s familiar in my new Hell.

I grab his hand and shake it before I stand and let him usher me to the doorway leading out of the dining room. As I near the end, I stop and look back at Dante. His head lifts slowly and his eyes meet mine, his expression completely blank.

“Dante, what about my clothes?”

His mouth twitches, but it’s not a smirk. I can’t actually tell what it is.

“You will find everything you need in your room. And with you, pequena, I preferMaster.”

I sneer and whisk around, letting Sergio lead me out of the dining room. Dante’s dark chuckle echoes behind me.



It's beena long walk to my room with Sergio. The halls of this castle are long, lavishly decorated with art, and almost haunting in a way. I'm sure if they didn't belong to a salacious human being, they'd be a lot more admirable.

We stop in front of a large, ornate door. Sergio opens it up, and if I wasn't being held hostage right now, I'd almost be thrilled by the sight before me.

The room is not a room at all, it's an entire suite, set with dark, cherry wood chests, chairs and tables. Right in the center, beneath an expensive Renaissance era painting, lies a four-poster bed with dark red linens. The copious amounts of pillows are lush and call to me for a sleep that I hope I never awake from.

I walk into the room and notice bookshelves lining the furthest wall to my right. On the opposite side lies a fireplace similar to the one in the dining hall, but before this are lush floor pillows that are large enough for an entire person to sleep on.

Sergio stops in the doorway and eyes me thoroughly, yet under his gaze I don't feel afraid or scrutinized, I just feel a cautious state. I feel like I'm in a place I shouldn't be in and we're both aware of that.

"You will find your bathroom behind those doors ahead of you. To the right is your closet. I trust that if you find that you need any size adjustments or changes, you will let I or Dante know."

I tense at the mention of his name. Everything about that man unearthed me, mostly because he was a stranger holding me captive and I didn't see him as a man at all. Just the dark one that holds a key to this fancy prison.

I decided not to give Sergio any lip, he was still a stranger to me, a stranger that worked for my captor, no less. So I opt for a slow head nod and eye contact aversion, picking at my nails to distract myself from continuing a conversation or asking any questions that may lead to me getting tied up again.

Sergio stares at me with his head tilted for a few more seconds, eyeing me as if I'm someone he should be looking out for, not like I'm a twenty-year-old college student being held for her mother's drug debt. With a final nod, he turns and shuts the door. I am now completely alone, and it is in this moment that tears form and I allow myself to cry silently.

I've never been much of a crier. I guess you can say that's the product of being a child to a narcissistic parent, all my tears and self-pity left with my innocence. The last time I shed any tears was when my high school boyfriend of two years broke it off with me after saying that the sex wasn't good enough.

We were each other's firsts and as of now he is my only. He was the only person I voluntarily let into my life, besides Ricky, and he betrayed me and broke my heart. Granted, we were only seventeen, but it was enough to make me swear off all men since. I guess daddy issues aren't a great contributing factor to finding a healthy love either.

My healthy love was my schooling. The one thing I put every ounce of energy and thought into, my one ticket away from the hell I was born into, but now, it's far away again and I'm in a different kind of hell.

I wipe my tears and walk towards the set of double doors that lead to the bathroom that Sergio mentioned. Once revealed, I decide then that if the famous El Oscuro does in fact decide to murder me, then let it be in here.

Every square foot, which is more than half of the bedroom, is marble, with gray and black marble countertops that are decorated with lush soaps and sprays and a two-person, gold sink. The mirror above is large and antique, like you stepped back in time during the reign of old English royalty.

The walls were even a dark marble, decorated with black, antique wall lamps and windows that were covered with black, silk drapes. The tub is black stone, and it looks like it was made for two people, not one. The thought of that makes me suddenly uncomfortable. I look at the sprays and soaps on the counters and notice that they are mostly feminine.

Whose room is this, really?

I rush out of the bathroom and into the walk-in closet that's to the right. I switch on the light and look at the racks and drawers that are filled with women's clothing. Not a single item is something that I could ever afford to wear or even pronounce. Shoes line the top of the wall with organized shelving, and I quickly realize that this is not my room at all. This belonged to some other woman and she's clearly not here during my captivity.

My stomach turns in disgust, and I rummage through the drawers, desperate to find any normal underwear in between the silk and lace lingerie. I finally find a drawer that holds sportswear. I snatch a black sports bra and matching panties before I set off to find something normal to sleep in.

After several minutes of digging and pulling through drawers, I find a pair of leggings and a white v neck, both of which are obviously meant to be under garments for outfits in the winter months, but I just want to sleep comfortably before I become a slave to the Colombian kingpin.

I head back into the bathroom and look at the tub longingly. Now is not the time for a bubble bath, I can't imagine relaxing in a drug Lords ex-lover’s tub.

The wall to the left of the countertops holds a massive walk-in shower that has jets on every single surface.