"This all may seem miniscule to you, but it's my life. And now it's over. So if you don't mind, I'd like to go to bed so I can at least escape my reality for a few hours."

I start pulling the duvet back from the bed in frustration and his voice stops me.

"You're right, I like it better when you call me Dante."

The smirk in his voice is what does it, it's what sends me flying across the room, hands slapping at every bit of his flesh that I can find. At this point, I don't care if he sedates me. At least I could sleep, but right now I want to hurt him. I want to hurt him for hurting me, I want to hurt him for my mom hurting me, I want to hurt him for the amount of pain this world dishes out to the innocent. I just want to hurt as much as I hurt, but it does nothing.

He stands there and takes it for about two seconds and then his hands are on me, gripping them tightly and pushing me back into the armoire behind us. The knobs dig into my spine and my hands are suspended above my head, his fingers gripping my wrists tighter than the ropes he used to bind me earlier.

His eyes are hellfire and their flames burn me slowly, I've tempted my fate one too many times and this most recent outburst will most likely be my last.

"Let me make this very clear, Emmie."

His voice is poison and it's snaking its way into my ears and down my veins, freezing me in place.

"I am one of the most powerful people you'll ever meet in yourminisculelife, and it'll be in your best interest not to fucking cross me."

He's spitting venom at me, and his accent somehow grows thicker.

"You are here because your mother owes me a debt. You were unfortunately there to bear witness to my collection, so yes, in order to keepmylivelihood protected, you had to come with her. But make no mistake, you are not a hostage here unless you continue to let this fucking temper come out to play with me, which I would advise against. Because I like to play rough."

I should be sick or frightened right now, but I can't mistake the sudden twisting of my legs and heat of my flushed skin. I want to hang my head in embarrassment.

"Once I can trust you, you will go back to your beloved education and ride off into whatever sunset you've had pictured for yourself. But until then, you will treat me and this house with nothing but respect."

He releases me and I rub at my wrists, daring not to look into his amber eyes. I want to block him out completely, for his presence alone makes me contradict everything I stand for. The effect he has on my body is almost as disgusting as the effect he has on my temper.

I've always been a calm and collected girl, smart and calculated and never daring to cross another. My mother may have a temper and addiction problems, but it was the men that she would bring in our house that made me this way. That made me shy away and be a good little girl, that made me know better than to ever cross them. I learned that at a very young age, and the trauma never left.

But this man. This dark entity made me question everything I've taught myself. In just the few short hours I've been around him, he's made me the complete opposite of what I've trained myself to be and it's completely unnerving.

"You will work with Javier in the morning. He will show you around our kitchen and garden and you have full reign to cook and create as you please, but this mouth of yours will remain obedient if you even want to think about a future for yourself."

I hear him dust his jacket and straighten himself before he strides to the doorway. I allow myself one glance at him before he opens the door, his eyes are back to holding no expression and I realize that his coldness is even more terrifying than his fire. We lock eyes and without any more words, he turns and leaves the room, shutting the door and leaving me in the most overwhelming silence.



After a nightof fitful and restless sleeping, I swing my legs out from the bed and rub my tired eyes. I look at the clock on the bedside table and it reads a sharp seven AM. Though I don't want to leave this room anytime soon, my stomach disagrees with its persistent grumbling.

I make my way to the closet and find a pair of sneakers on the top shelf, bewildered that somehow everything I touch in this room is in fact, my size. Once my shoes are on, I leave the bedroom and make my way to the kitchen.

My room is on the top floor on the right side of the mansion, practically overlooking the elegant and long staircase that is dressed with burgundy carpeting. I peek around the halls for any sign of life and whisper my thanks to the heavens for the emptiness.

As I make my way down the stairs, I realize that the only rooms I know of in this house are my own and the dining hall. I begin to wander aimlessly, taking in the long halls that seemed to twist and turn for millennia. It is when I pass a fourth set of ornate doors, that my nose is invaded with the wondrous smell of vanilla.

I followed the scent and met a large archway which opened up to a kitchen that was larger than even my dreams could conjure up. Granite countertops were lined with expensive looking appliances, creating a giant U-shaped bar. In the center lies a grand table that holds bowls of vibrant looking fruit. My stomach rumbles once more and I urge it to keep quiet.

As I step further into the kitchen, I notice it is filled with natural light from the big bay windows that take up almost all the walls. To the left of the countertops are two industrial sized refrigerators, two electric and expensive looking stoves and an entire coffee station that holds an espresso bar, coffee machines and a few tea kettles.

So there is a heaven inside of hell.

"Hola señorita, ¡me alegro de que finalmente pudieras unirte a mí!"Hello, miss, glad you could finally join me!

I jump at the sudden voice and look to my right. A small but jovial man that looks to be in his early thirties peeks up from behind the granite countertops, where he is retrieving a few pots and pans from the sliding cabinet doors. He looks like he is juggling and from his joyful demeanor, and I decide it's safe to walk closer and assist him.

"You must be Javier, I'm Emmie. Would you like some help?"