He holds me to him once more, and then his strokes are slowing down. His teeth finally release his lip, and his eyes lose some of the wildness from before. Some. Then he smiles at me... and this moment breaks.

Because although my body feels good, my heart still hurts. And it's all because of the man beneath me, the man still inside of me, smiling at me. He lied. He took whatever we may have had and crushed it into nothing more than dust. He realizes it. I see the shift in his eyes, his posture, so before he can reach for me again, I move, climbing off him and pulling the sheet along with me to wrap around myself.

"Sophie," he begins with a warning in his voice, "I told you never to hide from me."

But I shake my head, not wanting to hear it. "Your rules don't apply anymore, because they never applied to you. You've been lying the whole time, hiding who you truly are every step of the way."

"It wasn't like-"

"It's Saturday," I cut him off. "You got what you came for. Now go."



"But we just... You just said you were mine. My fucking cum is leaking down your thighs right now."

"That can be wiped away. Your lies can't."

He flinches. Good.

He gets out of bed, takes quick strides to reach me. "You are mine. You just said it. You just moaned it in my ear."

I take a step back. “I was yours. Now I'm not and will never be. Your lies saw to that."

"Sophie, please. If we can just-"

"Leave!" I shout. "Now."

Utter pain crosses his face, but I ignore it, turning away from him. If only so he doesn't see the tear falling down my cheek. I hear him get dressed, feel him come closer to me. Without being able to see him, I can feel him reach for me.

“Don’t, Law,” I croak. “I can’t even trust your touch. Because your words told me you’d never let me fall. And your actions broke your promise. Everything is a lie with you. Just go."

Then his lips are on my forehead, and it takes everything inside of me not to let out the sob clawing at my throat.

"I'll never let you go, Sophie. I love you."

I thought my heart couldn't hurt any more than it already did. Clearly, I was very wrong.

He turns to leave, and I have to cover my mouth to hold in the cry. But once I hear the front door open and close, I crumble to the floor and let it out. My sobs only getting louder as each new emotion comes. The pain of being betrayed. The confusion of wondering if his words had any truth to them. The anger of everything we shared feeling like nothing now. And the heartache of losing someone I feel I barely ever had.

Chapter 13

"I wish you would tell me what happened," Charlotte says.

I sigh. "We're done. I don't really think the details matter when that's the only thing that stands in the end. "

"But what did Law have to say about everything?"

I flinch at his name, and the way her eyes sadden tells me she doesn't miss it.

"Everything he said is a lie." Or am I lying now? I don't know, but the only way I've been able to cope in the days since I watched Law leave my bedroom is to tell myself that he didn't mean a word he said to me at my house. That there's no way in hell that he loves me. That he didn't end up having feelings for the woman he just wanted to fuck out of his system. That he's not missing me right now like I am desperately missing him.

"I get it. He lied. And maybe, from how hurt you look right now, you haven't fully told me all the things he lied about, but I need you to listen to what I'm about to ask you. Sophie."

I look up at her from focusing on the sheets to hold back my tears. She grabs onto my hand before continuing.

"Is what he lied about greater than the truth of how you feel about him?"