"I'm sorry. I just..."

She pats my shoulder. "I know, honey. You feel whatever you need to. And don't you worry about Charlotte tonight. I've got her."

"Thank you," I say hoarsely.

The elevator doors open, and I walk in without another word to Veronica, pressing the button for the parking garage. Only as the doors are closing do I remember that Law drove me here.

"Fuck!" I scream.

And those fucking treacherous tears come before I give them permission to. I sob in the elevator as it begins its descent, looking at the very place where Law stood when he told me his very first lie. I jab the button for the lobby and get out when the doors open a few seconds later.

I rush out of the elevator, ignore the people who stop and stare at me as I walk to the hospital doors. With shaking hands, I order an Uber to pick me up. It says it's four minutes away. It feels like they're the longest four minutes of my life. And then I feel it, that Law is near. Then I hear it. Him calling my name. It sounds so close but so far away. Then I slowly lift my head, and there he is. There he fucking is. The liar himself.

He smiles as he approaches me, but it falls when he gets closer.

"What's wrong?" he asks, hand extended toward me. "Did something happen to Charlotte?"

I back away from his hand, and his brows furrow. "Sophie? What's going on?"

I don't have the words. I have no idea what to say. I have no idea how to speak around the lump in my throat.

"I came back because I realized you didn't have a ride home," he explains, trying to reach for me again.

This time I slap his hand away as I spit. "Came back?"

His eyes widen, head jerking back at the venom in my voice. Good.

"You never had to fucking leave. Being that this is where you fucking work, you lying piece of shit."

Realization dawns on his face. And it hurts so fucking bad to see it. Because a part of me, however small, was still hoping that this was all a mistake. That he hadn't lied to me, deceived me. But the look on his face kills that part of me, leaving behind bitterness, anger, and heartbreak.

"Yeah, I fucking know."

"I can explain."

"Explain?" I scoff. "The time for explaining is over. You could have explained in the elevator. You could have explained during any of the times we met up at a hotel. You could have explained on the way over here that you fucking own the building we were about to walk into hand in hand. But now, now it's too fucking late."

"I did tell you..."

I step closer, hissing, "Do not stand here and tell me you tried to tell me a God damn thing. If you wanted to tell me, you would have. You chose not to. You chose to lie."

"If you would just fucking listen for one second," he snaps, grabbing my arms, trying to pull me close.

I push him off of me, seeing a crowd now forming around us. Fuck them. They can watch the show.

"So you can tell me more lies? Fuck that and fuck you."

His eyes narrow, but I give a haughty chuckle. "Oh, are you getting fucking angry? I’ll tell you what angry feels like. Finding out that the man you're falling for could have just excused the hospital bills, the cost of your sister's surgery, but instead used it as a way to get you into their bed. To manipulate you because they knew how desperate you were. Angry is realizing the person, who just hours ago was telling you they wanted more, was really just feeding you lies and bullshit with every fucking breath they breathed in your presence. Angry is feeling exactly how you knew you would end up feeling because you'd been dumb enough to convince yourself otherwise." I turn when I hear a car pulling up beside me. "But hey, you can explain all of that, right, Mr. Kane?"

His nostrils flare, but I'm done talking to him. Listening to him. Looking at him. I turn and open the door to the backseat of the car.

"Don't you get in that fucking car, Sophie. We're not done."

"We're done. In every single way." I get in and shut the door. "Go, please."

"Sure," the driver says as Law reaches for the door handle.

I close my eyes as we drive away. My phone vibrates in my hand. First Law, then Charlotte calls, then Lexa texts. I can't take it. I power my phone off as my tears fall down my cheeks, and the driver, gratefully, turns the music up to muffle the sound of my cries.