"Older or younger?"

"Older, by two years."

"You know, I don't even know how old you are."

"I'm twenty-eight. And you?"


"Ah, so young."

"I certainly don't feel it."

"And why is that?"

"Hello, I'm Alex, and I'll be your personal server for tonight. Can I start you both off with some wine or champagne?"

"I'll have a Sprite," I say instead, earning me a weird look from Law. "What? I'm not a big drinker."

"I'll have what she's having," Law tells him. "And we'll have whatever the chef feels is best."

The waiter beams. "I'm sure you won't be disappointed."

"Um, what if the chef makes us some huge plate with octopus or something?"

"He won't. I find that when you leave it in the chef's hand, they'll go out of their way to impress you. Whatever he makes us will be amazing."

"Hmm. Funny how you assume the chef is a man."

"In my defense, my brother is a chef, so I guess I always think of him being in a kitchen."

"Wow, a chef. Do you cook too?"

"For everyone's safety, I stay as far away from the kitchen as possible."

I chuckle. "So, what is it you do, then?"

There's a pause. A slight one, but I notice it.

"I'm in the family business. We own medical facilities."

My brows furrow at his suddenly stilted words.

"Here we are. Two sprites," Alex states, putting our drinks in front of both of us. "And the chef wanted you to have these appetizers while you wait for the main course."

Several rectangular trays are placed between us. Law reaches for one of the pieces of potatoes that are cut to look like blooming roses as Alex leaves. But instead of eating it, he holds it towards my mouth. I open for him, and he places the small potato inside. Then, I moan.

"This is so freaking good. Oh my God. It's like he infused butter into it or something. Try one."

Law smiles, then eats one himself. He gives an approving nod.

We eat in silence for a little while, trying the other appetizers, but I can't entirely focus on the taste because my mind keeps whispering to me, telling me how normal this all feels, but shouldn't.

"So many thoughts going on behind those beautiful eyes," he says, his voice low, making me look up at him. "Care to share?"

"I was thinking this feels very much like a date."

"Would that be so bad, if you were on a date with me?"