"Where are we going? Washington Cove is the other way."

"When you suggested that hotel, I realized you were okay going much farther than the other hotels we'd been to, so I figured I could take you somewhere that was just as far, but nicer."

"Nicer than a room with a hot tub in it?" I ask.

He laughs, and my breath catches in my chest. I haven’t heard him laugh. Chuckle, yes, both in humor and darkness, but never laugh. It's sexy, deep, and the smile that goes with it makes it hard to look away. Not that I want to, anyway.

"Yes, nicer than that."

"This feels slightly kidnapper-y," I joke.

He grins. "Are you gonna scream?"

"If you make me."

His eyebrows rise. "You love to push me, don't you?"

"It does seem to end up well for me when I do."

He hums. "How is everything with your sister?"

Just a short time ago, the same question felt way too personal, and unusual, for what we were doing. It doesn't this time, after Wednesday, after what just happened, and it scares me that it feels so normal for him to ask about Charlotte. Lines are blurring, and it only makes it harder for me to tell myself to keep a distance between me and him.

"She's okay. She got moved up the transplant list yesterday actually."

"That's good to hear. And Stephanie hasn't given you any more problems, right?"

I roll my eyes. "No. Luckily, I don't have to deal with-" I stop short. "How do you know her name?"


"The lady at the financial department. How do you know her name?"

"I have business in the hospital. It is where we met, in case you forgot. I know who she is."

My mind reminds me that there are other people who work in that department with her as well. How does he know she was the one I dealt with? But I tell myself I'm overthinking it.

"Oh okay. But no, I don't have to worry about her anymore. What you need to worry about is that my best friend will probably be there when you come to meet my sister. Not probably, she'll be there. And if my sister is the type to cut your balls off, Lexa is the type to put them in a grinder and then feed them to you."

"I'm sure I can win them over. Look at the wonders I've done with you."

"That is to be determined."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really."

Such a lie.

"We're here."

I look back toward the window to see us pulling up to a hotel that looks like a damn castle. The sign out front says Stanford Palace.

"Palace!" I exclaim. "How have I never even heard of this place?"

"It's exclusive. You can only stay here if you've been invited by them."

I look back at him, arching a brow. "Just how rich are you?"