"You are mine, Sophie. Mine. I don’t have to beat my chest to tell anyone anything."

"And yet you basically just were. And I'm your what? What, Law? Your Saturday night fuck? The woman you won't even let yourself stay until Sunday morning with? We're nothing!"

He flinches, and I almost do too, at the lie I'm telling him and myself. Because otherwise, I know I'll let myself believe this all means something. His jealousy, his anger, him saying I'm his over and over. I'll let myself believe I could ever truly be his, and that is not an option. So I continue to spit venom, if only to protect my heart. Or maybe, maybe, I want him to tell me I'm wrong, to convince me that I'm wrong. I don't know.

"We're nothing but a weekend hookup. But suddenly you're here, claiming me and getting jealous because I'm talking to someone with a penis. And for what? To make sure I'm not fucking other men while I'm fucking you?"

He begins walking to the door, and my heart plummets. I watch his long strides, anger and sadness both filling me at realizing he's about to leave me alone once again. He wretches the door open, but then doesn't take another step.

"Carl!" he barks.

Confused as hell, I watch him extend his hand. Then he turns around, and marches back to me, handing me the black box he was given.

"What is this?" I puzzle.

"Your dress for tonight."


"It's Saturday. We're going to the hotel. You're wearing this."

"For what? You got what you wanted?"

He steps closer. "This is nowhere near all I want from you."

What the hell does that mean? I hate how this man confuses me. He turns his back to me again, going toward the door.

"Get dressed. I'll be waiting in the car. And don't take a shower. I want to know I'm on your stomach and thighs on the drive there."

"You're such an asshole."

"I know. Twenty minutes."

Then he's gone, closing the door behind him. I throw the box at the door. It hits it with a hard thump before it crashes to the ground and opens, letting gold fabric fall out. I stare at it hard, like it offended me too, but then it all starts to come together. He came here, to pick me up, with what looks like a dress already in the car for me. Before all of this happened, he came here for me. For me.

My heart twists, urging me forward, to put on that dress and go out to the car that Law waits for me in. But my mind, it screams for me to stay, to save myself the heartache that putting on that dress would cause later on. In the end, my heart wins and I walk over to the box and take the dress out. It's beautiful, floor length, spaghetti straps, plunging in the front. It's perfect. And inside of the box are black heels, with gold buckles on the ankle straps.

"Fucking asshole," I murmur to myself as I walk to my bedroom.

I do take a shower. It feels like my only way to get a little revenge on him before I put on the dress he's told me to. It fits me justright. Of course, it does. Pretty sure I'm way past the twenty minutes he gave me, but I sit down to brush my hair until it isn't frizzy anymore and then apply some lip gloss before stepping into the black heels. I pause in the mirror, looking myself over, reluctantly acknowledging how amazing this outfit is.

I walk to the living room, grab my keys from where they fell to the floor when Law rushed me in and get my phone out of my purse. Then I'm opening the door, and I find an older man standing outside the door, smiling at me as I approach him. Guilt fills me as I wonder if he's been waiting outside all this time.

"Good evening, ma'am," he greets me.

"Good evening. I'm sorry if I kept you waiting."

"Think nothing of it."

He opens the door and there's Law, sitting right beside it. He makes no move to scoot over, so I roll my eyes and climb over him to get into the car. Carl closes the door as Law's hand comes to my ass and his lips to my neck. No, not his lips, his fucking nose.

"You showered," he says.

"I did," I reply as Carl gets into the driver's seat.

"I'll just have to get my cum on you again tonight."

My wide eyes look to the front seat, then at the rearview mirror. Law chuckles beside me.