"More," Jeremiah breathes.
"Make me fall apart," I pant, and Jeremiah drives just as deeply into me. "Shatter me."
They move at the same time, pulling out of me. I sigh, knowing what's coming, feeling it, desperate for what it will surely bring. They both enter me, quickly, roughly, and they do just what I begged them to. Shatter me. I am nothing but fragmentsbeneath them, moaning, gasping, whimpering sounds I don't even know the names for. They pound into me together, filling me, stretching me, and giving me ecstasy. I can feel my pussy and ass tightening around them, hear their grunts, groans, and hisses. Jeremiah's lips come to my thigh, allowing me to feel the shaky sigh against my skin as he comes inside me. Ezekiel twitches inside me, letting me know he's doing the same. They arch forward in me at the same time and a choked moan leaves me. I cannot even move, feel like I can barely breathe, and don't even want to think. Not when I can just lay here and enjoy the bliss thrumming through me instead.
All our heavy breathing fills the room, but no other sound. It's the sweetest, the three of us together. The way it should be.
"I know you are not thinking already," Ezekiel says.
I chuckle. "Good thoughts."
"Such as?" Jeremiah asks.
I swallow, deciding whether I want to tell them the truth or not. Although, I may not fully know why they're here yet, they are here. That has to mean something, or at least, be worthy of me admitting what I was thinking just now.
"I was thinking that us together feels like the way it should be."
Silence answers me and my eyes open under the T-shirt, alarmed that I've said too much.
"It should," a voice finally states, and my eyes widen even more at that voice being Ezekiel's.
He slides out of me first, telling me that he'll be right back. Jeremiah slides out of me next, and then the T-shirt is removed from my eyes. I blink, even though the only lights are the ones coming in from the living room. Jeremiah smiles down at me.
"I guess you won, huh?"
I grin. "I did."
I feel a warm rag between my thighs and look behind me. His eyes meet mine, a softness there that makes me ask, "What brought on this surprise visit?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Ezekiel grins.
"God, Zek.” I turn my head in time to see Jeremiah’s exasperated face. “That makes it sound like we came here just to fuck her. We've been planning this since we found out you were coming here. It's why we didn't text you all day. We were at the airport, on the plane, driving here."
"Risky plan," Ezekiel says, making me look at him over my shoulder. "We might have come here and found some man opening the door."
"And then I would have beat the shit out of him."
My head snaps back around to look at Jeremiah, arching a brow. "The thought of you jealously beating someone over me turns me on way too much. But there would never have been someone else."
Jeremiah smiles at that and behind me, Ezekiel murmurs, "Better not be."
I try not to think too deeply on that, clearing my throat to say, "Maybe we can eat our cold food now. What did you get?"
"Well, Heather did promise you a burger," Jeremiah states.
I sit up quickly, first gasping in shock, then at the pain between my thighs and at my ass. "She was in on this?"
Ezekiel walks around and I see him nodding. "Made sure you'd be in the room when we arrived."
"I might give her a small raise." I chuckle. "How long are you staying?"
"We'll drive back with you on Friday," Jeremiah tells me.
My brows raise. "Oh, a road trip. I can finally get to know all your dirty little secrets."
Ezekiel smirks. "Oh, we don't have enough time for that, but we will be going out to dinner tomorrow night."
"I don't really have anything to wear to dinner."