"Hell yeah." She gives a half chuckle, half cry. "I will help you pay back the loan, every cent. I promise."
"Don't you dare even say those words to me. You would do the same for me and more."
"I'm going on the list, Sophie," she says, as if she's reminding herself more than me. "I don't want to get my hopes up, yet my heart is racing right now."
"Let your hopes go as high as they want to, Char. This was the hard part. Now we're one step closer."
"Yeah, because the hard part isn't my body basically getting sawed in half. I like the way you think."
"Why, thank you." I grin, ignoring the ping of pain at the very real risk her surgery still poses.
"Have you told Lexa yet?" she asks.
I nod. "I told her as soon as I got approved."
Another lie. I told Lexa about the money going into my account on Sunday. To which she shamelessly asked if I'd earned every cent in the hotel room.
"And you guys kept it from me?"
"I didn't want to say anything until everything was finalized with the hospital."
"I can't believe this."
"Believe it. We always figure out a way. This was and is no different. Now, you just kick this fever's ass and then we'll be good to go. Did you realize you had a fever, or the nurse did?"
"Me. I was hot one minute, and had chills the next, so I figured something had to be going on."
"How do you feel now?"
"Better than earlier. Just really thirsty."
I quickly get out of the chair to get her a water bottle from the few that are always on the windowsill.
"Now tell me something else to cheer me up," she says after taking a long sip.
"Something that will cheer you up more than finding out you're gonna get a kidney?" I laugh.
"Yes. Like, maybe you're going out again this weekend."
I swallow. "I am, actually."
"You are holding out on me these days. A loan, a date. What's next? A wedding?"
I roll my eyes. "Let’s not even talk about either of us getting married. But yes, I'm seeing him again on Saturday."
"It occurred to me, as I was sitting here like I usually am these days, that you never even told me your date's name. I dare say you even went out of your way not to."
I wish I could tell her it seems almost impossible that I didn't utter his name just from the sheer amount of times it rings through my mind. Law. Lawson. It's like he's all I can think about. It would be simple to justify if I were only thinking of the sex, how his marks are just now beginning to fade from my hips. How this morning was the first time I woke up without that ache between my thighs as a reminder of what he and I shared.
But no, it's more than the sex, and that's what bothers me. I looked at my phone far too many times, hoping that a call or text from him would appear on the screen. It hasn't. And somethinginside of me, something I desperately want to deny and subdue, is sad about that. That he probably isn't thinking about me even half as much as I'm thinking of him.
"Well?" Charlotte prods.
"His name is Lawson."
"Oh, I like that. It sounds like a gentleman's name."
I can't help it. The laughter bursts out of me before I can control it. Because Law is anything but a gentleman, at least in a hotel room. Charlotte arches a brow at me.