I wake up, expecting a body in front of me and behind me, but there's only one. Before I even open my eyes, I already know who I'll find missing. Jeremiah's arm is wrapped around me and the tattoos on his chest come into view when I blink my eyes open.

"Good morning," his deep voice rumbles under my cheek.

I begin to sit up, but hiss, which only makes him grin as he asks, "Sore?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "You don't have to look so pleased about it."

"I like the idea of you remembering what we did with each movement you make."

"I already do." I sigh.

"Well damn. You don't have to sound so sad about that."

"Not sad. More like…confused."


I bring my head back to give him an exasperated face. "Have you met me, Jeremiah?"

He chuckles. "Oh, you mean your whole love is disgusting façade?"

"Façade?" I exclaim.

"Façade," he repeats. "Or whatever you wanna call it that keeps you from actually believing you have a heart beating in there."

"Oh, I know it's in there, and I want it to stay safe. Hence why no love is allowed."

He grins down at me. "Just so you know, I am wide open for any and all emotions."

"I highly doubt Ezekiel would say the same." When his brows furrow, I admit, "I heard you guys, the night I spent at your house."

He must know exactly what I mean because his eyes sadden, and his mouth gets tight. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh." I sit up fully, looking down as I ask, "Where is he, anyway?"

"He left just a minute ago to go get us breakfast."

"Ah, an easy reason for him to escape."

His fingers come to my chin, tilting my face back up so I have to look at him.

"Don't think it's you," he says softly.

"It's pretty hard not to."

"There was someone we were...involved with before. It ended badly."

"She broke your hearts?"

He shakes his head. "It's hard to explain. For me, I feel she more so represented what we wanted more than she actually was what we needed. If that makes sense."

"It does."

"But her leaving left Ezekiel feeling bitter, and hesitant. He's afraid to trust again."

"Why did she end things?"

"She didn't feel there was any future with both of us. She would get uncomfortable if we were all out in public together, so in a way, we ended up becoming this secret of hers. One time we were over her house and a friend dropped by. You wouldhave thought they caught us in the middle of an orgy with how embarrassed she was. She ended it soon after that."