"Jackson," I choke out, breaking our kiss.
"Fucking soak me in your cum, Charlotte. My cock better be drenched when I pull out of you."
It has to be. Because it feels like this orgasm takes every last bit of energy out of me. My fingers are still in his hair, but slack now. My thighs are barely clinging to his sides as he continues thrusting into me. But my pussy, oh, that still tightens around him with my continued orgasm, with my pussy still greedy for him, wanting more, even as it already feels far too sensitive. My eyes begin to flutter closed, but his hand is quick to roughly shake me.
"Don't you fucking dare," he growls. "Look at me as I fill your pussy with my cum."
I quickly nod. And I'm glad my eyes are open, so I can see him beginning to lose control. The crease between his eyebrows as they furrow, his bottom lip getting pulled between his teeth, that muscle in his jaw going tight. Then there's his groan, of pure pleasure, of satisfaction, of finality as he gives me short, quick strokes. I tighten my pussy around him again and he hisses.
"Don't think I can't be hard again in seconds to fuck you again if you want to play that game," he says.
"No more games," I reply seriously.
His face becomes more serious as well. "No more games."
He kisses me again, soft, gentle, slow. As he pulls away, I bring my hands to his face.
"I love you."
He turns his face, kisses my palm. "I love you. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you that sooner." Then that smile comes back. "Now, let's see if I'm drenched from you."
We both sit up, and I watch as he slides out of me. Of course, he's drenched from me. The evidence of my orgasm is covering his cock, on the top of his pants, on his balls.
"Good girl."
I shiver. "You can't say things like that to me unless you plan to follow them up with something."
He arches a brow. "Is that a challenge?"
"You are insatiable." I chuckle.
He takes my hand and helps me up from the counter, pulling me into his chest as he says, "For you, always. But before I take you up on that shiver, I'm taking you home."
"Home," I breathe. The word sounding so beautiful leaving his lips. Something that he and I can have together, when just this morning the thought of him and I having anything was so far away.
"Take me home."
Chapter 15
"Maybe you can explain to me how this all came together," I say as we drive to Jackson's house.
He doesn't answer right away, though. He brings our linked hands up, leaning over a little to kiss my knuckles. His lips trail over them for a few seconds before he places another kiss to them and then lets our hands fall back to the center console. It's the third time he's done that, and just like the other two times, it makes me smile.
It still feels unbelievable to be here right now. In his car, on the way to his house, with his lips on my hand, and his cum between my thighs. His hair is loose now, and my hand inches to reach out and put it behind his ear so none of his face is hidden from me. I don't want any part of us hidden from each other ever again.
"Once I found out from Law that he was taking you to eat so he could to ask for your blessing, I put everything in motion," he begins. "I've worked at that restaurant for special events, so I told the owner if he let me have it, more or less, for the night, that I would work for free. I would cook for everyone as long as you and Law were the last reservation in, and that everyone else was out of the restaurant by nine."
"You scared the crap out of me, turning all the damn lights out." I chuckle. "I thought I was going to be butchered and served for dinner tomorrow night."
"Well, I can tell you from first-hand experience, you are delicious to eat."
I throw my head back and laugh. "You have such a filthy mouth."
"You love it."
"Yes, I do."
He kisses my knuckles again. My smile grows.