I've watched him get at least eight bars, so I nod. "At least for now. We can always come back for more if she scarfs these down."

"Alright. Let's head back before Law starts hunting for us."

"I picture you guys always fighting as kids." I chuckle as we begin walking back to the elevator.

"We actually didn't. My mother always told us we were each other's best friend. If we argued or fought when we were younger, she had this huge sweatshirt she would make us wear together until we hugged it out."

"You're kidding?"

"I wish. I swear, I think she sewed it herself because where the hell do you find something like that?"

"That is hilarious. And a surefire way to make sure your sons behave."

We get into the elevator, and somehow both end up at the back of it, standing far too close. Too close for my heart to handle anyway. And then, I don't know whose hand moves first, but our pinkies are touching, brushing each other's. A small gasp escapes me, and I don't miss his sharp intake of breath too. Our hands keep moving, linking with the one another's more and more until our fingers curve around the other's completely. And then, he's squeezing my hand as much as I'm squeezing his. We don't say a word the entire ride.

When the doors open, our hands slowly disconnect, one of his moving to my lower back so he can urge me out of the elevator. He directs me down the hallway to Sophie's room. But when we reach it, we both pause, then turn and look at each other. I can hear conversation beyond the door, Sophie's laughter, Law's deep voice, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Lexa bantering back and forth. But still, somehow it feels like it's just me and Jackson, and our moment alone coming to an end. We stare into each other's eyes as so much races through my mind. Words I want to say, emotions I shouldn't feel, a man I shouldn't need.

He gives me a smile, puts my hair behind my ear, and opens the door.

"Finally," Law shouts.

"Where's my chocolate?" Sophie demands.

"Nice to see you too." I chuckle.

"Hi, Char." She gives me a smile, but it quickly drops. "Now, where's my chocolate?"

All chocolate is forgotten six hours later when my nephew arrives. We all rushed back into the room the moment a nurse came out to the waiting room to tell us Sophie and Law were ready for visitors. I got my first look at Shawn and instantly fell in love. That love has me refusing when Sophie begs me to go home and get some sleep, being that it's now seven in the morning, and I'm technically supposed to be getting ready to come to work here in an hour.

"I'm fine," I say, not even looking at her because I can't take my eyes away from Shawn in my arms.

"Jackson, make my sister go home with you."

"I don't wanna leave him," I plead.

She chuckles. "And everyone was joking about me not being able to put him down. If you had been paying attention, the nurse was just saying they're about to take him for some blood work and newborn tests, so I think it's the best time to go home, take a shower, eat some of this stuff called breakfast, and then come back later."

"Come on, Char," Jackson joins in, before murmuring only for me to hear. "I'm sure Sophie can use the rest too."

I glance over at her, just now noticing how exhausted she looks. Of course, she's been up all night too, and just pushed a freaking baby out.

"Okay," I agree. "But I will be back later." Then I smile at Law. "I hope I have a good enough reason for my boss to understand why I'm calling out of work."

He chuckles. "I think he might understand."

"I'll even throw in bringing some home cooked meals when we come back into the mix if he can be understanding," Jackson adds.

Law is quick to say, "Deal. Thank you guys for staying, for being here."

"We wouldn't be anywhere else but where this little guy is," I coo, smiling at Shawn, like he's even awake, then I sigh. "Alright. I relinquish the child."

Sophie laughs. "You really make it sound like you won't be back up in just a few hours."

"It's too long away from him," I state.

"I'll walk down with you," Jackson offers.

I swallow, ignoring the look ofI told you soSophie's giving me, and nod. Kissing Sophie's cheek, getting one last look at Shawn, and hugging Law, I walk out of the room with Jackson.