"Hmm, but if you were, you'd taste so good."

He gives a shocked chuckle. "Now who's flirting? But please, don't stop."

"We shouldn't."

"Shouldn't what?"


"Why the hell not?"

"Because..." I peek at him through my lashes. Do I really have to say it? That we agreed to a deal, an arrangement to give each other what we each desired, what no one else could give. Feelings have no place in what we're doing. Emotions don't fit into this. My heart shouldn't even be coming into play, and yet... I seem to be realizing more and more just how much my heart has invested in the idea of me and Jackson. But we shouldn't be an idea at all. At all.

"Because?" Jackson prods.

"Because I don't know what that makes us, Jackson."

"Well, what do you want us to be?"

I stop walking. The hallway is silent, since this is where the offices are and there's no one here, not this late. But it seems loud. Or maybe it's because I can hear my heart thudding in my ears. Maybe it's because I feel like I can hear each breath I see Jackson's chest move with, bated breaths, waiting for an answer. Waiting for me.

"Is that..." My voice comes out squeaky, my nerves slipping through. "Is that up for discussion?"

"I asked, so it must be."

"I want..." You. "I want..." Your heart. "I want..."

Jackson's phone rings, and my shoulders slump with both disappointment and relief. Disappointment that our moment is gone and relief that I don't have to finish answering his question. That I don't have to risk my answer running him away, ruining what we do have.

He reaches into his pocket. But doesn't bring his phone out, instead silencing it as he says, "You want?"

I swallow. Okay, not gone, then. I take a deep breath, preparing to say words that I have no idea what their affect will be. But then my phone begins ringing. I look down at it and see it’s Law calling.

"It must be something about Sophie," I state.

He gives a tight smile, that if I didn't know any better looks like it's full of his own disappointment, and nods. I swipe the screen and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I ask.

"I sent Jackson to get some chocolate,” Law says. “But apparently, he's gone to the damn jungle to get it from the source, so can you get some on your way here?"

I chuckle. "Jackson is right across from me. He was coming out of the elevator when I got here. We went to the gift shop, but they only had crap, so I'm showing him to my secret spot for some chocolate."

"Well, hurry the hell up." I hear Sophie shout in the background.

"Yes, ma'am. Ten minutes, tops. Did the doctor do the epidural?"

"Yeah, but it hasn't fully taken affect yet," Law says, then whispers, "So please hurry."

"I heard that," Sophie yells.

"We'll hurry." I snicker before hanging up.

"I would say we have about two minutes before Sophie loses it," I tell Jackson.

I'm equal parts afraid and anxious that he'll go back to what we were talking about before the phone rang, but instead, he smiles.

"We better hurry up, then. I believe you were leading me to some secret spot. You know, other than the other one I've been told to find."