Why the hell am I getting so excited? He’s asking me to come with him to a hospital gift shop, not on a damn date. But even though I tell it not to, my mouth begins curving up into a smile.

"Sure," I answer, and he lets the doors close as I continue. "Although I warn you, from all my time here, I can tell you that the gift shop pretty much sucks."

We begin walking toward the lobby anyway. "Listen, Law has told me that I either return with chocolate or lose an arm, so..."

"We can try there, but if they don't have anything, I may just know where we can get some chocolate."

"Well then, let's go there first."

I wag my finger at him. "I can't have you knowing all my secret spots." He licks his lips, and I glare at him. "Don't even make the joke I can feel you're about to make."

"What?" He feigns innocence. "I was just going to say..."

"Don't do it."

"I'm pretty sure I know every single one of your secret spots."

I shake my head. "You just couldn't help yourself." I step a little closer to him and whisper. "But you don't know all of them."

He looks at me out the corner of his eye. "Oh, which one am I missing?"

"Well, you haven't been in all my holes, so you can't know them all yet."

He stops walking, but I don't. I only grin at him over my shoulder, then chuckle at his stunned expression. It changes to one of anticipation though before he hurries to catch up to me.

"I will not forget you said that."

"That's the point."

"If anyone knew the filthy things that go on behind those beautiful eyes," he murmurs.

"You're the only one I need to know."

The words are out of my mouth before I can tell myself to restrain them. I'm almost afraid to look at Jackson, to see his response to what I said. But curiosity, and maybe a little bit of hope and longing, make me peek over at him. He has a small smile on his face. We walk into the gift shop and the cashier gives us a brief glance before looking back at her phone.

"Over here." I point toward the right side of the store.

"This is it?" he exclaims.

"I told you." I chuckle.

"I think I'll have a word with my brother about that. This candy selection sucks."

"Oh, I know that all too well. Sophie and Lexa used to have to basically smuggle me in good candy."

"Why smuggle?"

"The nurses were under some illusion that loads of chocolate and sugar aren't healthy for you."

"No." He puts his hand to his chest. "What would ever give someone that idea?"

"Exactly. But then we found somewhere else to get candy from. And then I found an even better place once I started working here. Now, if you ask me very, very nicely, I'll show you to where the real goodies are."

He steps closer, invading my space, enveloping me with his presence. Even knowing the cashier is just a few aisles away, and that there are cameras in every corner, it suddenly feels like there's only me and Jackson.

"Please, please, my beautiful Charlotte, tell me where the good candy is. I'll do anything to find out."

"Anything?" I breathe.