"Both hands on the wheel. I'll tell you where to go."

I nod quickly and he lets go of my throat, finally allowing me to breathe and swallow. But he doesn't move back as I begin driving, staying right by my ear, directing me out of the parking lot, then left down this street, right down another. We get a few blocks away from the hospital before the streetlights become fewer and fewer, and then to streets where there are none at all.

"Left here," he tells me.

I turn the car onto a dead-end street. There're only two houses on it, neither of them going to the end of the block where he tells me to park.

"Turn the car off," he says as he finally leans back, giving me just a bit of space. But it's not much when his energy, dark, sinister, sexy, and dangerous fills every inch of this car. When that energy burrows into me, invades me, makes my stomach clench with need and my pussy tighten with desire.

I press the button to turn the car off and the headlights die, leaving us in darkness. The night is silent around us, making it easy for me to hear him unzipping his pants.

"Hands off the wheel. Good, now turn around, slowly. Don't make me have to hurt you."

As I turn, I plead, "I can just get out of the car and walk home. You can have the car, the..."

He shoots forward, only stopping when his face is inches from mine. His hand grips my face, thumb digging into my right cheek, other fingers digging into my left. It hurts, so, so fucking good.

"Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch," he growls. His eyes leave mine, traveling down to my mouth. Then his thumb is moving, leaving my cheek to sweep across my quivering lips. "I havesomething better for your mouth to do than offer me shit I could take without you giving it."

He moves quickly, pulling me into the backseat. I all but tumble into it, my foot hitting the door because of how little space he's given me with him sitting right in the middle of the seat. Something is different. He's so much rougher tonight, more careless, not with what we're doing but with me. I love it as much as I'm curious about it. A part of me does wonder, though, if he's reassuring himself that this is all we can be, just like I need that reassuring.

By the time I right myself, he has his cock out and in his hand. He gives it a few pumps as his eyes ravish me, looking from my pleading eyes, to my heaving chest, to my thighs clenching tight to give myself some type of relief from the unrelenting lust building in me.

"Get on your knees between my legs," he demands.

"You don't have..." A harsh gasp cuts my words off while my head whips to the side.

The sting of his smack radiates through me. My arousal rises inside of me, even as I stare at him in disbelief.

"Do I need to slap you again or are you gonna suck my cock like a good little whore?" he hisses at me.

"I... I..."

"Let me make it even easier for you. Get my cock in your mouth or I will cut your God damn tongue out."

I move, crawling to the floor, over his leg to between his powerful thighs. He licks his lips and nods his head toward his cock, telling me to get on with it. I lower my mouth on him, peeking my tongue out to stroke it against his tip.

"You better suck it like you mean it, or you won't make it out of this car."

I move down, taking him into my mouth, tightening around his cock. He hisses, and if my cheek wasn't still in pain, I might have smiled. But that pain reminds me of exactly why I had better do as he says and suck his cock like I mean it. It's not hard. I don't need to pretend I love the feel of his cock on my tongue, because the smoothness if it, the heaviness of it, has me struggling to restrain a moan. I don't need to act like his cock in my mouth isn't making it hard for me not to reach under my skirt and bring my fingers to where I am throbbing for him, because my fucking hand is twitching at this point.

I swipe my tongue from side to side as I rise, and his hand goes to my hair. My nipples tighten to the point of pain and my clit begins pounding with the rhythm of my pulse while I bob on him. He uses his grip on my hair to push my head down, farther and farther, until I feel I can’t take anymore. And then he pushes some more.

"Please," I try to plea, but it just comes out like a muffled cry.

"Are you begging?" he pants. "Are you begging for more of my cock?"

He shoves me down even farther. My hands shoot out, genuinely pushing at his middle at the feeling of his cock suffocating me, taking every single breath from me without a care. He lets me up for a second and then pushes me back down. Tears fill my eyes as my lungs burn, desperate for air that he won't give. He does this a few more times, keeps my head down until it feels like I will never breathe again, only to let me up for a few seconds, before doing it again. Then he's giving me a bit of mercy, bringing my head up and down on him quickly, so fast that all I can do istighten my mouth on him when he forces my head up, move my tongue on him when he forces it down.

"Yes," he grunts. "I can feel your tears falling on my thighs." That dark chuckle I love. "Told you I'd give you a reason for those tears."

Then he's bringing my head down again. When I try to stop him, knowing what's coming, he twists my hair in his grip, the sting making me gasp around him. He groans at the sound, going deeper, thrusting his hips up, making my attempt to not let him lower me on him not matter in the least. He's so close that not even my nose feels like it can help me breathe. All I taste is him. All I smell is him. All I breathe is him. All I am is his. And that thought, his cock so far down my throat that I'm choking on it, the heat between my thighs, it all has my eyes fluttering closed.

"Oh no," he states as he jerks on my hair. "You look in my eyes as I come in your mouth."

My eyes snap open as he lets me up, just a little. I suck hard on him, needing his taste on my tongue, his groans in my ear, and whatever else he plans to do to me in this car in this dark dead end.

I get the groan, seconds before I get the taste. His cum floods my mouth as he thrusts deeper into it, heavy breaths leaving him, desperate moans leaving me.