"What was that about?" I ask. "The way he acted when he thought I was saying the issue was you two instead of...all men?"
Jeremiah looks away for the first time. "That's his story to tell."
"But there is a story?"
"Do you care?" He doesn't ask in a mean way, more like he's wondering if I'm asking because I truly want to know.
And I do want to know, but him asking if I do reminds me that I shouldn't. That I have no right to. I made the rules here, after all.
No Feelings.
"I'll see you this weekend," I say instead, putting distance between us.
He tilts his head like he knows exactly why I'm doing it. His smirk says he'll let me run...for now.
Leaving the resort and the island, the flight back, it all seems like a blur caused by the utter exhaustion of finally being done with the wedding planning that has consumed my life for the past few months. Between getting real sleep for the first time in nearly just as long and catching up on all the things I've ignored while planning the wedding, the weekend seems to catch up on me. I'm not even sure of what day it is until I see an incoming call from my mother. She calls every Sunday, without fail, ever since I moved out to go to college, and left her in the house all alone. Well, that's how she liked to put it, but I knew she never stayed alone for long.
"Hey, Mom," I answer.
"My Lexa Girl." I can hear the smile in her voice, making my own lips curve up. "How was the wedding?"
"It was so beautiful. Went off without a hitch."
"Of course, it did. You planned it."
I chuckle. "Thanks. How was your week?"
"It was crappy but it's getting better now that I'm on the road.”
"On the road to where?"
I have a feeling I'll regret the question, but I ask anyway. A bitter part of me sometimes wonders if she only calls so she can tell me about her latest adventure, rather than truly ask about how I am. It's been a recurring thought throughout my life.
"I'm spending the weekend with Richard. You remember Richard, don't you?"
I hate that I'm tempted to say no just out of spite. But I do remember her newest boyfriend, the newest love of her life. Her love of one man after the other, and the heartbreak that followed when each of them left no matter how much she changed herself for them, had singlehandedly been the reason I swore long ago never to fall in love.
"I remember him," I say. "How long are you staying?"
"Oh, we'll see."
"What do you mean? Don't you have work on Monday?"
Her silence speaks volumes. My shoulders slump, already knowing what she will say next.
"Well...you know how spontaneous I am." She nervously chuckles. "I decided that job wasn't a good fit for me. And you know, Richard was saying he wished I could give him more of my time and attention, so I figured—"
"So, you figured you would disrupt your own life yet again to live the life some man tells you to?" I snap.
I curse to myself in the silence that follows my harsh words.
"You give everything for love," she murmurs. "Haven't I always told you that?"
Yes, she had. But her actions behind those words had taught me even more. That even though you give your all, in the end, love is not enough. The way I see it, love is a curse, and I never plan on letting my mother's curse pass on to me.
I shake my head, tucking away all the things I want to say to her and instead ask, "Where is he taking you?"
Her voice is much more cheerful when she answers. "His lake house. Can you believe it?"