"Don't worry. We'll keep little Lexa safe." Jeremiah grins as Charlotte passes them to go beside Jackson.

"Y'all keep teasing my friend and I’ll have to kick your asses," she shoots back.

"Come on. We don't bite," Ezekiel adds, walking over to me. And when he reaches me, he leans over to whisper, "Unless you want us to."

I scoff. "As if you'd be worthy of even a nibble."

"You always have a comeback ready," Jeremiah says as we all begin walking to the shore, one of them on each side of me. How do I always end up between them? "It's one of the things I like most about you."

"You shouldn't be liking anything about me," I reply, looking over at him.

Don't look at his chest. Don't look at his tattoo.I look up.Not his damn mouth, either.

"And why is that?"

"Because we're friends. Nothing more."

"Friends with—"

"Nope." I shake my head before he even finishes. He smiles, like he doesn't believe me anymore than I believe myself.

"Ah, let her keep lying to herself, Jer," Ezekiel cuts in.

"Why do you like pushing my buttons?" I snap at him, turning to look at him.

He grins. "Because it gets you looking at me like you are right now. With that fire in your eyes. I like it much more than when they're darting around, looking for an escape from where we finally got you between us."

"Got me—" As in, they do that deliberately each time?I shake my head, looking for anything to say to change the subject. "Can you guys keep it down to a dull roar tonight? I hardly got any sleep with all the noise coming from your room last night."

It has to be some kind of punishment that I got the room directly across from Ezekiel and Jeremiah. The first night I closed even the bedroom door in my suite, as if that extra barrier would keep them from invading my thoughts with images about them invading my body. It didn't. The next night, I put on headphones, singing along with all the men suck songs I could find on my playlist until I was exhausted, and practically fell into the bed. But last night, I felt like every single one of their laughs was inside of my room instead of their own. I don't know what the hell they were doing at two in the morning that had them laughing so damn loud and hard but allowed me very little sleep, mostly because my hands had slipped between my thighs at some point as well. But there was no way in hell I would be telling them that.

"Did we keep you up all night?" Jeremiah teases.

"You did, actually."

"You should have come across the hall, and we would have made the sleeplessness worth it."

"Does every word that comes out of your mouth have to sound so utterly dirty?" I ask, hoping they don't hear the want in my voice.

"Well, anyone can make anything sound dirty."

I chuckle. "That's not true."

"I'll make you a deal. You tell me something you don't think I could possibly make sound dirty, and if I'm able to, you’ll have to answer whatever me and Jer ask you."

"Don't rope him into this."

"Please do." Jeremiah laughs. "I want to see how this goes."

We're almost to where everyone else is waiting now, feet in the water. I grin, words coming to mind to make him lose the bet.

"Okay. Say, 'That was the most boring movie I've ever seen.'"

"Wait," Jeremiah cuts in, right as Ezekiel grins. "Can he change up the wording a little?"

"Within limits." I arch a brow.

Ezekiel cuts in front of me, and I'm forced to stop short, making Jeremiah bump into the back of me. He doesn't move away though, staying right against my ass as I look up into Ezekiel's eyes. I realize immediately that this is a mistake. Especially when Ezekiel leans forward, bringing his face closer to mine.