My hands roam; his slide over my bare thighs.

Our tongues mingle.

His dick hardens and I moan softly, scooting back on the mattress, making room for him to climb up and on top of me, and he does so without ceremony. Hands roaming from my thighs up to the hem of my t-shirt, over my stomach.

I help him pull my shirt off.

He helps me remove his boxers.

Sleek, toned body. Warm skin. Hard muscles, hard dick.

All for me.

Impatient, I’m already wet and want it now. So when he begins kissing his way down my body, intention clear, I tug at his shoulders. “I want you inside me.” Don’t want to wait.

Greedy. Selfish.

Listen—when you’re like me and haven’t banged in forever, you want all the sex and you want it now.

He eases back up my body, kisses me on the lips.

“Noah…we didn’t use a condom in the pool. Should we put one on now?” Is it pointless to use one now? What if his swimmers are super sperm and penetrated the birth control I’m on? He didn’t even ask me about it before; it’s a good thing I’m on something and don’t have to worry too much. For all he knows, I’m a cleat-chasing gold digger looking for an easy ride—bad move, Noah.

Bad move, indeed.

“I have one here, somewhere—I think?” Naked, he moves toward the side table, ass in the air as he pulls open the drawer and begins rummaging through it. Victorious, he holds a gold foil packet in the air. “Found one!”


“How old is that?” I ask teasingly, lying flat on the bed, watching as he tears the package open.

“No idea—I don’t have women here, so I’m not actually sure why there are even condoms in the drawer. Wishful thinking, probably.”

He rolls it on and I watch, transfixed, never one to find that sort of thing sexy, though I get a bit turned on watching him now. He does it slowly, deliberately. Brows furrowed with concentration, as if he is also enjoying every second of the act.

“Come here,” I tell him when he finishes, my hand going around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. A warm, full kiss that melts my insides, his hand brushing along my skin.

“Are you sore?” he mumbles. “You know, from before?”


Okay, maybe a little. But, “Not enough to stop me from doing it again.”

I wiggle my hips and reach over to pull him on top, loving the weight of him. His heat. So different than how he felt in the pool with water lapping around us, weightless. I could feel him inside me, but the sensation wasn’t the same—the experience wasn’t the same, although it was just as intimate.

Noah leans in and runs his lips over the slope between my neck and shoulder, and I tilt my head a bit, so he lingers there with his mouth. Heaven.

When he lines up our bodies and pushes forward—for the second time today—I am more than wet enough for him to ease in without a problem. Unlike in the pool, where more persistence was necessary.

I cradle the back of his head when he buries himself inside, hands then dragging down his back, nails lightly scraping his spine, that dip above his ass I find so incredibly sexy.

He thrusts and I wish I could watch those thick, athletic thighs pumping into me. Mmmm…

“Fuck you feel good,” he groans.

Better than before, so much better…

“Do you want to get on top?” He pulls back and looks at me, eyes glazed over, lips parted.

Why yes, I would. Thank you for asking. “Yes please.”

We roll until I’m on top, adjusting so he’s back inside, and move back and forth, back and forth, leaning forward, so I can push against the headboard. He’s deeper.

So good.

I clench my Kegel’s hard, knowing full well that with the condom on, he can’t feel me as well as he would without one. It has the desired effect; everything inside me knows “I’m close. I’m…”

Going to come. Again. For the second time in one day, without having to do it myself.

Hallelujah, there is a god!

“Come for me, baby.” Cliché, but sexy.

I come, clenching every muscle in my body, so he can feel it and maybe he will come soon too. Back and forth, back and forth…

“Shit, yes. Don’t stop doing that.” Noah grips my hips, pulling me across him, pulling me deeper, nostrils flaring. Red-faced, his orgasm face is intense and almost has me laughing—thank God I don’t. He looks so serious and determined.


God he turns me on.

After he cleans up, we’re back on the bed, under the gray down comforter, all snuggled in for a nap, Noah traces a finger along my shoulder. Kisses it before settling his head on the pillow next to mine, facing me.

I close the distance to kiss the tip of his nose.

Vomit inducing, I know.