“And was it good?”

I nod as I take another sip of wine, my cheeks flushing from the memories of what that man did to me more so than the wine. “We did it four times.”

Savannah squeals and I do too, then we burst out laughing.

“Totally knew it. The quiet ones are always the freakiest,” Savannah states.

“That is so true.”

Sav’s eyes widen. “Did you two do freaky shit?”

Is him blowing his load on me and rubbing it all over my body each time we had sex freaky? Then yeah. He loved marking me.

“I can see it on your face, you did. Oh my god, how the hell am I ever going to be able to look at him again?” She chuckles, taking a sip from her glass.

“I don’t know if I’m going to see him again,” I tell her.

“What? No. Good dick is hard to find,” she explains.

This is true.

“He’s technically still engaged. How would it even work?”

“Do you want something to work, or do you just want sex?” she questions me.

“The thing is, he wants something to work between us and he said he’s willing to wait until I’m ready. What happens if I’m never ready?” I ask her.

“You won’t know unless you try. You can go around in circles thinking about what if. It’s up to you if you think he’s worth taking a chance. I know he’s technically engaged to someone else, but that will end eventually. Until then, you believe what he says.”

That is a scary leap though. “He’s hurt me before.”

Savannah sighs. “I’m sure he did, but honestly, babe, it was fifteen years ago, and you guys were kids. I wouldn’t be holding that against him.”

She wasn’t there; she doesn’t know how hard I took us breaking up, but she’s right. We were teens, and it’s stupid as an adult to keep holding on to something like that; we’re not the same people we were then. Maybe she’s right and I’ve been using the past as an excuse to not dream of a future.

“You’re so smart, Sav.”

“I really am,” she says, and we both start laughing again.

“Enough about me, how was your date?”

She rolls her eyes. “Why do you think I’m home early? He was a nice enough guy, but too young for me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh, I’m not. He made me come, so guess the date wasn’t a fail after all.” She chuckles.

“Wait, you had sex with him? When? Where?” I ask, shaking my head.

“Downstairs in the garage, in his car. I told him I had fun but wouldn’t be going on another date with him unless as friends. He agreed. I made a joke about my vibrator getting a workout as it has been a while. He offered to help me out, and figured when in Rome, do a Roman, so I did. That boy’s mouth was sublime, I could sit on his face all day long.”

I choke on my wine.

“We’re catching up tomorrow, it should be fun. We didn’t have plans, did we?”


“Good, the things I want to do to that boy,” she says before taking a sip of her wine.