As if reading my mind, Lilly asks that exact question to her.
“Oh no, that’s all her.” Paige laughs.
Thank fuck.
“I’m steering clear of men for the foreseeable future,” she adds.
Lilly looks over at me. “That’s understandable.”
“Didn’t take long for you to jump on me after breaking up with your fiancé,” Luca says, nudging his wife.
“Luca,” she gasps, looking over at where my parents are seated.
“Luca was the runaway groom,” Natalia explains to our guests.
Paige’s mouth falls open in surprise.
“Because I found her sleeping with my best friend right before the wedding,” Luca adds.
“And then you hightailed it to the middle of nowhere in Scotland. Where no one could find you for ages,” I remind him; it was a stressful time.
“Exactly, that was the point,” Luca states.
“Then how did the two of you meet?” Paige asks.
“He rented my cottage from my sister, who was on her way to Africa, where I was working as a doctor to surprise me for Christmas. Little did she know that I was on my way back, sick of dealing with my fiancé sleeping with all the nurses behind my back,” Lilly explains.
“There was a blizzard outside, it was the middle of nowhere, and this angel walked into the cabin and I thought I had died and gone to heaven,” my brother states as he leans over and kisses Lilly.
“Something like that, except he left out the part where I walked in on him naked,” Lilly adds.
The girls burst out laughing and the conversation continues to a different topic.
“We should go to Paris to get you your dress,” Natalia says to Paige as we are sitting outside in the courtyard with our drinks. “You said your great-aunt invested in Yvette Sanchez, the designer, we should go to her shop and find you something to wear. You can also check out your investment too. Hey, Gio, do you mind if we borrow the jet to take it to Paris,” Natalia calls out to me.
I look over at where Luca and Lilly are seated. “Why don’t we all go? Lilly needs a dress, too,” Luca states.
“Doubt she’s going to have anything maternity-esque for me, but I’ll never say no to a trip to Paris,” she says, rubbing her ever-expanding stomach.
“You might as well come too, Gio, seeing as we are all tagging along,” Luca tells me.
“I’ll have to check my schedule,” I reply gruffly. I don’t think Paige wants me there.
“You never come on these trips. New York was the first time you spontaneously jumped on the jet,” Natalia adds.
Paige turns to look at me, her brows pinching together.
“He had a last-minute work meeting,” Luca explains.
“There was no meeting in New York,” my father says, inserting himself into a conversation that doesn’t concern him.
“I don’t tell you everything that is going on with me,” I tell them.
“Clearly, as we didn’t know there was a problem with Giada,” Mother chimes in.
Wow, low blow, Mamma.