“Is Paige here?” I ask, my heart thundering in my chest. It has been a month since that day. I’ve realized I made a mistake, and not because I found Bella with one of my friends while away, but because being with her I realized she’s not Paige, she will never be her, and I’ve been too stubborn to swallow my pride and tell Paige that.
“I’m sorry, she’s not here.”
“When will she be back?”
“She won’t be back. I’m afraid she’s headed back to America,” Lucia tells me.
No. No. No.
“You broke her heart, my boy, what did you expect?” the older woman tells me. My eyes widen, not realizing that she knew about the two of us. I should have known she knew everything because of how close she and Paige are.
“I just need to speak to her,” I plead.
She shakes her head. “She’s gone.”
“I still love her,” I confess to Lucia.
“I know, I can see it, but unfortunately you made your choice, and she made hers,” she says, giving me a small smile.
“What if she never talks to me ever again?” I ask her.
“I’m sure she will, give her time,” she tells me.
Fifteen years later, and I guess we are having that discussion now.
“I can’t turn back time, Paige. I wish I could. I would have changed so many things,” I tell her.
“You would have?” she asks, raising a brow, surprised at my admission.
“Of course, don’t you know I have regretted that decision all my life? I came back for you, but you had gone. I called. I emailed. I messaged. I even sent letters. You erased me from your life.”
“You erased me from your heart,” she bites back.
“I’ve never erased you from there,” I confess.
Paige shrinks back at my words, and she starts shaking her head. “Don’t say that,” she tells me.
“It’s the truth. You were my first love,” I tell her honestly.
“Don’t,” she warns me.
“You don’t want to hear what I wished I had said to you fifteen years ago?” I question as she tries to move away from me.
“No, I don’t,” she argues back.
“You scared to hear it?” I push.
“I’ve got to go. I’ve had enough of walking down memory lane,” she tells me as she steps around me and walks over to where her bag is.
Fuck, I pushed too far.
“Paige, I’m sorry, okay,” I say, reaching out to stop her; she pulls her arm from my reach, and it feels like a slap to the face.
“Look at us now, all these years on, we’re supposedly older and wiser,” she says, grabbing her bag from beside the sofa. “I can’t do this,” she says, waving her hand around the room.
Do what?