“But my life didn’t turn out the way I dreamed.” I groan.
“And you two could have married and ended up getting a divorce,” Callie adds.
“The universe has its reasons,” Savannah adds.
“You’re not considering dating him?” my brother asks.
“No. He was a shoulder to cry on. I’m not interested in dating anyone,” I tell him.
My brother shrugs his shoulders in response. “Well, ladies, I’m going to leave you to it, good night, I have work in the morning,” he says, leaving us.
“Now he’s gone. Did he kiss you?” Savannah asks.
“No, he didn’t. It wasn’t anything like that,” I tell her.
“Really? Because the chemistry is still there between the two of you and he’s fuckin’ hot.”
“Would you stop putting ideas into her head,” Callie warns her.
This has her bursting out laughing. “You thought about kissing him, but he didn’t make a move,” Savannah states.
I don’t answer.
“Busted,” she says.
“Fine. I did. You saw him, the man looks like a damn supermodel off the pages of ItalianVogue.” They both nod in agreement. “I did ask him if he wanted to catch up again.” They both squeal with delight. “He said yes, but I’m not ready for anything, guys. Please don’t hype me up about Giorgio. I truly want his friendship, nothing more. I’m too scared.”
“I promise to keep my enthusiasm down.” Savannah smiles.
“Smith seemed to take the news about Giorgio and me okay, but I don’t know if he would like the idea of me having dinner at his apartment by myself.”
“Say no more. You’re having dinner with me and Savannah, whatever night, and you’re sleeping over at my house,” Callie adds.
“I won’t be sleeping over at his place,” I warn her.
“I know, but you will need to debrief afterward, and we will be waiting with the wine for it,” Callie states.
Giorgio: Thanks again for a great night.
Paige: Thanks for coming, it was nice catching up.
Giorgio: It was like old times.
Paige: Yeah, it felt like you had always been in my life.
Giorgio: Same.
Giorgio: Is Tuesday night, seven, okay for dinner?
Paige: Sounds great. What do you need me to bring?
Giorgio: Nothing but yourself.
Paige: That I can do. See you then.
Giorgio: Night, P.
Oh, he hasn’t used my old nickname in such a long time.